Yesterday after the show Christina asked me if I wanted to have a girls day before I go home tomorrow, I of course said yes. Like who if their right mind would say no the queen herself!
"K, you ready?" Christina asked walking into the room.
"Yeah, let's get this spa day started!" I yelled and she laughed.
We walked down the stairs with our phones and small purses in our hands. Christina and I slip on our boyfriends sweaters and we were about to leave when we were stopped by, our beloved boyfriends.
"Can we help you?" Christina asks linking her arm with mine.
"We needed our kisses" Daniel says with a pouty face. Christina and I glance at each other and groan
We give our boyfriends kisses and hug them
"Are our babies fine now?" I ask squeezing Daniel's cheeks
Christina and I walk out of the house and hop into my car. "Where even is this spa?" I ask Christina.
"It's by Chipotle"
I widen my eyes "I know that one. They give you little snacks and all that and they even ask you if you're on your period and they give you a heating pad" I say smiling
"I don't get cramps because of birth control but that sounds really nice"
We arrive at the spa and we immediately get seated to get our pedicures.
Christina and I turn to each other slightly and start talking
"So how's college life?" I ask her
"It's actually been really good, stressful but good. I'm getting an apartment with my friend Jessica next semester and taking online classes because I'm gonna have a lot more opportunities with my skin care line" she says smiling
"I admire how passionate you are about this and successful you are becoming with your career and about to have a skin care line at age of nineteen. It's nuts." She smiles and hugs me tightly.
"So how's everything with your chemo?" She asks looking at me.
I look down but the back up at her "I guess you could say it's going, okay. I don't think chemotherapy is ever good, but my doctors say I'm getting better but I still have a long road to recovery ahead of me. " I say still having a lot of things on my mind. Christina interlaced her finger with mine
"I can tell you still have something on your mind. Spill" she says laughing at little. I laugh and she squeezes my hand in comfort.
"I hate chemo, it makes me feel like crap. I want to stop my chemo, but I don't want my dad to lose me. He lost my mother and he always says his biggest fear is losing me." I say and I see tears form in her eyes
"That bad thing is, my hair is starting to fall out" I say looking into Christina's eyes.
"Kelly. You are the strongest women I have ever met, next to my mother of course. But, with cancer you are the strongest, and as a teenager who had things taken away from her because of her sickness. You are so strong! I know it makes you feel horrible but, please don't stop your treatments. You have become so special to me over the past month and it would break me, but especially your family and Daniel. I see the way you and Daniel look at each other, it's the way Corbyn and I look at each other. You both love each other but won't admit it because you are scared the other doesn't. But trust me, and I mean this with my whole ass heart, Daniel loves you" I hug her tightly and she returned it
"Thank you" I say
"Always, K."

Battle Scars // Daniel Seavey
FanfictionShe has battle scars. They're marks on her skin that proves the battles she has won, and the ones she has lost. No, these battle scars weren't created by a whom, they were created by a disease. Kelly Smith fortunately and unfortunately, has battle...