thank you

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dear my readers,

happy easter first of all.

but I wanted to write a message to all of you. thanking you for being here from the beginning of my journey, and reading each and every chapter.

I remember writing this, and making sure everything was right and there was no mistakes. I wants to pre-write it because I suck at updating all the time. lol.

anyways! thank you for commenting, voting, and following. i'm glad I could connect with some of you and tell a message through my story and help you in some way.

I respect all of you until you give me a reason not too, and no one has.

this is one of my most biggest books and I couldn't be happier with the outcome of it.

if any of you are in remission for anything... you are strong, beautiful/handsome, and amazing. i'm so glad you fought through the battle and got yourself better.

thank you and I love you all for everything.

- laura ♥️

Battle Scars // Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now