After the judges decision the next day Steve was knocking at the door of the Stark Tower, he was determined to spend as much time with her as possible. But ever since Tony told her about the super soldier being her father she still wasn't speaking to the mechanic, and frankly it was fading him up.He tried to understand her how she would feel betrayed that he had kept something like this from her now it had gone too far. The super soldier was still trying to figure out his feelings towards Tony, thinking of what he would do if he realized that he still had feelings for him. Yet he was still having a hard time with that, a few seconds after he knocked on the door it flung open there at the doorstep stood Aurora.
She glanced up at Steve and smiled, the super soldier knelt down to her level "Hi papa"she whispered shyly, making the super soldier grin even wider happy that he had called him that. He would never get used to hearing her say that he thought to himself "I reckon Tony already told you ''he moved a piece of her hair behind her ear,Aurora sighed rolling her eyes hearing Tony's name. Steve chuckled at her reaction at first not thinking much of it "He is not my dad", "Darling your dad I know might have made a few mistakes but he loves you very much"Ari shook her head just as Tony noticed her at the door, he started walking towards her but stopped himself when he heard her talking to Steve about him
"No he doesn't because if he did he wouldn't have lie to me,Papa I wanna go and live with you please"the super soldier glanced up as he saw the brunette standing behind Aurora "I can't darling"and with that she ran up to her room, Steve stood up staring at Tony who had tears in his eyes. All of this was clearly hurting him, he felt responsible for all this mess, if he would have told her from the beginning the truth this wouldn't be happening. The super soldier walked up to him wanting to hug him but he held himself back, he hated seeing him like this giving him even more suspicion that he still loved him like the first day they met.
"Tony I'm sorry it had to be this way, the last thing I wanted was for Aurora to hate you the way she does now"the mechanic stared down at his hand then back at him shaking his head "It was my fault I should've told her..I should've told you from the start.My pride didn't let me see clearly and this are the results I deserve it"the super soldier walked closer to him grabbing his chin and making his eyes meet his deep blue ocean ones "You don't, you could be anything but you're not selfish.You're kind, sweet, caring and the greatest dad Aurora could have"Tony felt this urge to kiss him but he knew that he shouldn't because he was now married.
But it seemed like his heart was not listening to him at all, he leaned forward and so did Steve as their lips met one another moving in perfect sync, they soon pulled away breathing heavily. The super soldier took a step backwards realizing how wrong this was "Tony I...we..we can't I'm married and", "I know I'm sorry I don't know what got into me I just I'm sorry"he apologized once again looking anywhere but at him.Steve nodded his head silence taking over the room "This can't happen again"the brunette nodded his head mentally slapping himself for having such a weak will to control his feelings for him, there was more silence between them when Steve then cleared his throat
"If you don't mind I would like to take Aurora for the weekend" Tony looked up at him astonished so to say that he wanted to take Aurora with him knowing that Sharon might disapprove of his decision. The brunette had to admit that he was hesitant for a few seconds thinking of his wife, what would she think when she finds out or if she already found out about Aurora being Steve's daughter.It was pretty obvious that she was going to hate her even more now then she already probably does, but that wasn't an obstacle for Steve regardless "You have all the right to spend time with her she is your daughter after all"the super soldier smiled nodding his head thanking him.
He had to admit that Tony was taking all this pretty well, maybe becoming a father made him rationalize and Aurora helped him become a better person. Yet the super soldier couldn't help but think of this also might have something to do with him and their rencounter, he shook it off thanking Tony once again then making his way out of the Stark tower yearning for it to be the weekend to see him once more.He wasn't sure what he was going to do after he has to move back to Brooklyn, he promised Sharon that they were moving how could he tell her that he now changed his mind because he found out he had a daughter.
Most importantly, he wouldn't be able to tell her that he didn't want to move because he wanted to be near Tony now. What kind of person would he be if he said that to his wife? For the rest of the week Steve thought of the options that he might have, he could just drive from Brooklyn over to the Tower it was just a few minutes away.Sharon would hate it though she wasn't very pleased when Steve told her that Aurora was her daughter and that he was going to fight to get full custody of her, he had to think of something and quick.
The weekend arrived pretty quickly and the super soldier found himself back at the Stark Tower once again but this time it was Tony who opened the door for him.The mechanic asked JARVIS to call Aurora while Steve stood awkwardly at the door "Aren't you going to let me in?"the super soldier finally asked,Tony stood aside allowing him to enter, just as he had stepped inside Aurora came running out of the elevator and into Steve's arms.Pepper walked off the elevator with her suitcase in hand, as the super soldier knelt down extending his arms out of her embracing her in a warm hug.He pulled away from her smiling widely
"Are you ready to go?"Ari nodded her head happily,Steve stood up straight again taking the suitcase from Pepper, the super soldier glanced down at his daughter "Say goodbye to your dad"Aurora shook her head going to the door refusing to speak to him.Steve stopped her before she could step one foot outside "Aurora we talked about this, now go on and say goodbye to Tony and Pepper'', "Steve just let her it's fine"Tony spoke up just as Ari was slowly walking up to him, she was still very mad at him and the last thing that she wanted was to hug him or even speak to him.
But Steve was not having any of this, even though he might be a little mad at Tony from keeping Aurora from him he was not one to hold grudges against anyone. He had now come to understand why he had done it and he had now forgiven him for it "No Tony she has to understand that you didn't do this to be selfish, you did this because at the time you thought it would be better this way. Because the fight we had wasn't what was best for her, yet all these years you were the one who was there for her.She has no idea how incredibly lucky she is to have such an amazing father who would give his life for her in a heartbeat"the super soldier turned Aurora around kneeling down to her level
"Don't treat him like this, now I know you are a much better person than that. A kind hearted little girl that your daddy taught you to be"Ari nodded her head hugging Steve tightly, after a few seconds she pulled away from him turning to the brunette running towards him pulling him into a hug.Tony smiled hugging her back just as tight "I love you daddy"she whispered, the mechanic kissing the top of her head over and over again making Aurora giggle in the process "I love you too peanut.Now go with Steve"she pulled away from him nodding her head, she went to say goodbye to Pepper she held the super soldier's hand walking out of the Stark tower with him.

Only Forever-Stony Stark
FanfictionSteve Rogers is happily engaged planning to start a new life in the modern world. Tony Stark has a huge secret,one that could change his and Steve's lives forever. Will they learn to cope with the changes?Will Steve's new relationship ruin everythin...