The next morning Steve wanted to set things straight with Tony, he wanted his marriage to work.It was not healthy for neither of them to continue this and it was for the best that they forget about each other like they had once done four years ago.If it was done once he could forget about him again, it's easier said than done.Now that Sharon was not home he gave him a call and asked him if he could come over, the super soldier thought it would be better if he talked to him in person.A few minutes passed he heard the doorbell ring, Steve sighed deeply getting up from the couch and opening the door "Why did you wanted to see me?"the brunette simply questioned him.
He was disappointed in him for leaving without speaking to him first after what had happened between them the previous day "We have to end this Tony.Whatever it is that's going on"the mechanic stared at him for a few seconds taken back by his sudden remark. Of course he wanted to end it when he already got what he desired. "Now you've decided to play house with your wife?", "I'm not playing house with anyone Tony.I would like for things to work between me and Sharon"the brunette laughed rolling his eyes.Aurora hearing the commotion came down the stairs and watched as they discussed their relationship unknowingly in front of their daughter "Give me a break Steve.Two days ago you told me otherwise"the super soldier sighed shaking his head slowly walking up to him.
This is probably the hardest thing that he has done but he has to do it for the sake of them both "I changed my mind", "Bullshit.Look me in the eyes and tell me that you love Sharon and not me"Steve glanced down at his hands trying to avoid his eyes because if he did, he wouldn't be able to lie to him.The brunette grabbed his chin and made him look at him.The super soldier took a deep breath "I love her Tony"he nodded his head taking a few steps back "Fine.I'm taking my daughter with me"neither one them had noticed Aurora by the stairs watching everything go down.
She wanted for both them to be together she didn't like Sharon at all.All she wanted was to be with her daddy and maybe possibly with Steve as well "I have full custody of her you can't take her anywhere", "Do you think I give two fucks Rogers.I'm taking my daughter.I don't want her near you, or your crazy ass wife"the super soldier clenched his fist raising it up but quickly stopped himself.Aurora gasped running up to them getting in between them both "No papa don't do it.Don't hurt my daddy"Steve put his fist down unclenching his fist his face soften at the sight of his daughter.
Tony glanced down at Aurora then back at the super soldier "Go head you were going to hit me weren't you.HIT ME IF YOU HAVE THE FUCKIN GUTS TO DO SO.COME ON BE A MAN"Steve shook his head stepping back, he took another big deep breath trying to calm himself down and getting this over with before Sharon arrived. "Please leave"Tony frowned trying to figure out where he went wrong.Thinking why he had fallen in love with a coward and selfish man, or maybe it was him that was the problem.Either way this was a big mistake that should be left in the past "Oh I will and I'm coming back for my daughter"the super soldier chuckled not understanding how he even had the nerve to say that being that he still couldn't stop drinking.
Did he really think that after one day or going to those meeting he would quit?How naive could he possibly be? "Let's see if the judge will give you any sort of custody being how responsible you are", "Fuck you Rogers.Let's see who has the last laugh"the brunette gave Aurora a kissed on her head walking out of the house.Steve sighed glancing down at his daughter smiling, it was for the best, he kept repeating himself as a sort of comfort but it wasn't working.Later that evening Sharon was in the kitchen making dinner while Steve was in their gymnasium trying to keep his focus on something else that wasn't Tony.
Aurora walked into the kitchen and frowned when she only found Sharon in there and not Steve "I'm hungry"Ari spoke softly up catching Sharon's attention who sighed rolling her eyes ignoring her completely.She continued to cut the tomatoes and onions that were in front of her, hearing Aurora huffed in annoyance "I said I'm hungry"she spoke again a bit louder this time as she stomped her foot down on the ground trying to catch her attention. Sharon slammed her knife down on the cutting board looking up at her once again "Then make yourself something to eat I'm not your damn servant you little brat"
"I can't.I'm just a kid"Ari yelled making a face while she spoke attempting to mock her in some sort of way.Sharon walked over to her furious that she had to put up with her, she didn't understand why Steve wanted to have custody of her when he should of just left her to be Tony's problem and not theirs.Sharon grabbed her arm forcefully shaking her back and forth, Ari winced in pain trying to pull her arm away but she was much more stronger than her
"I have no reason to put up with your crap either you make yourself something to eat or you starve to death your choice princess"Sharon pushed her to the ground grabbing some crackers from the countertop behind her and throwing them to her. Aurora just stared up at her unable to catch them falling to the ground next to her "Here eat these"Sharon starting walking back to continue chopping the tomatoes, but not before she stepped on the package of crackers she had thrown at Aurora
"Oops my bad.NOW PICK THAT MESS UP"Ari tried to hold back her tears, she hated it here she wanted to go back to the Stark Tower with her daddy, auntie Pepper, Happy, and JARVIS. But she hated Sharon even more, she began picking up the package as she glared up at her stepmother with anger in her eyes.Thankfully Steve had then walked into the kitchen cleaning his sweaty face with a towel, as soon as Sharon saw him she quickly ran up to Aurora helping her pick up the mess she had made.
"Oh darling you have to be careful next time"she spoke hypocritetly, the super soldier stared at them for a second or two Sharon standing up once again smiling at her husband "Hi honey, little Ari here had a little accident.But dinner is almost ready"she pointed to the pots and pans behind her.The super soldier nodded his head kneeling down to help them clean up the mess,Aurora glared up at Sharon thinking how good she was at telling lies especially to Steve.She wanted to leave but she was so far away from home she had no idea how she could get back to the Stark tower.Aurora couldn't stand being here another minute she had to leave tonight far away from her stepmother as possible.

Only Forever-Stony Stark
FanfictionSteve Rogers is happily engaged planning to start a new life in the modern world. Tony Stark has a huge secret,one that could change his and Steve's lives forever. Will they learn to cope with the changes?Will Steve's new relationship ruin everythin...