A/N:I decided instead of creating a romance between Thorki that instead I focused more on their relationship as siblings. Hope you guys don't mind, so no their aren't in a relationship they are just brothers.
After the wedding the newly married couple decided to stay home and spend time with their kids.This last couple of weeks have been hard for Thor, he had lost his brother and it made him feel worse seeing how happy his friends were. Wanda and Vision were happily married and about to have their first baby. Even Natasha mend her relationship with Bruce, he felt left out even though him and Jane had broken up long ago.The god felt someone sitting next to him suddenly feeling a hand on his shoulders
"You ok buddy?"he turned to see Rhodey staring at him with a concern face.Thor didn't reply, he soon turned his gaze back towards the TV "I'll give you some alone time then"Rhodey got up from the couch walking out the living room.Just as he opened the door Aurora was on the other side "Hi Uncle Rhodey"she chirped cheerfully "Hi there cupcake"he smiled playfully ruffling her hair and went on his way to look for Tony. Ari walked in the living room, she made her way to the god with a frown "Are you sad?"she asked sitting down next to him.Thor turned to Aurora and smiled, something he hadn't done in a while.
"I'm just missing my brother"his voice boomed throughout the room, Ari wrapped an arm around his shoulders or so she tried.
"I miss Uncle Loki too, but papa told me that he was looking after us now like grandma and grandpa"Thor grinned nodding his head kissing her on top of her head. This somehow made him feel a little better.That same afternoon as everyone was getting ready to have dinner they had noticed that Thor was nowhere to be found.
"Does anyone know where Thor is?"Natasha asked worried about him knowing that same morning he was feeling a little depressed.Everyone looked at one another shrugging their shoulders.
"He was in the living room a while ago.He said something about a guard"Bruce stared at her confused trying to figure out what she meant suddenly understanding.
"Do you mean Asgard darling?"Bruce asked her while everyone else just stared at Aurora waiting for her to reply.
"Ohh yeah Asgard"Aurora reached for piece of chicken munching on it
"Do you think he'll be ok?"the super soldier asked, maybe he thought that it would be best if they let him have some time to himself. When Loki died he didn't really have time to grieve the death of his brother. He thought it would have been a little selfish of himself when his friends needed his help.
"I think we should give him some time,"Pepper said, offering her suggestion. Everyone agreed and continued on with dinner.Just as they were about done with dinner J.AR.V.I.S interrupted their feast.
"Master Stark you have a special guest that just arrived"everyone looked at each other confused wondering who J.A.R.V.I.S was talking about. Just as Tony was going to ask the A.I who it was, the door to the dining room opened. Aurora eyes glisten with joy but also with tears.
"Uncle Looookiiii!!!"She got off her chair as quickly as she could, running up to him hugging him tightly.All of the Avengers were left speechless, they had really believed that he was dead and they couldn't explain how this was possible. They all saw him die.
"Hi jellybean"he laughed, picking her up embracing her in a long and loving hug, Bruce still surprised and confused got up from his chair going up to the god.
"But how?You're supposed to be...dead"he spoke almost in a whisper, Loki had become a good member of the Avengers now and of course everyone was happy that he was ok. Aurora was the one who was the most happy and excited that her favorite Uncle was with her once more.
"Well to put it short I fake my death"he realized that everyone was looking at him as if he was insane. Not anyone would fake their own death so it was safe to say that this wasn't a good explanation. Loki laughed, putting Aurora down.
"I didn't want to put my life in danger and well I didn't want to put Aurora's life's in danger either, so I pretended to die"Aurora smiled hugging his leg still not believing that he was here with her.
"That pretty much explains it all,"Tony spoke sarcastically, rolling his eyes. The god chuckled, glancing around the room looking for his brother when he saw the twins.
"And who do those little humans belong to?"Aurora turned to look at her siblings grinning letting go of her Uncle's leg.
"Those are my brother and sister. Peter and Sari"Loki nodded his head still not sure why Thor was not here with them. Sam told him that he had gone back to Asgard because he was having a hard time grieving his supposed death.The god understood and decided to go back home to talk to him, even though they were not close Loki loved his brother and thought it was very sweet of him to miss him that much.Once he had gotten there he had found Thor in what used to be Loki's old room, at least when they still lived there. He smiled walking up to him.
"Thor?"he spoke trying to catch his attention, the god glanced up startled by the voice. He thought that he was alone and he never thought that someone would bother him being in the state that he was in.As soon as Thor saw Loki his eyes light up happy and shocked to see his brother standing right in front of him.
"Loki?"he asked, just wanting to make sure that he was not hallucinating.Thor got up from the end of the bed walking up to him pulling him in for a hug.He pulled away from grabbing his face with both of his hands laughing happily.
"But how I thought you were..."
"Dead?Yeah well brother you underestimated me"Thor chuckled hugging him again. After spending a few hours talking about how Loki had done it to fake his death, Thor was way too happy to be mad at him anyways. Instead they decided to go back to New York with their friends and start a new life.
Final A/N: I really enjoyed writing this story for you guys and so I hope you guys enjoy reading it.

Only Forever-Stony Stark
FanfictionSteve Rogers is happily engaged planning to start a new life in the modern world. Tony Stark has a huge secret,one that could change his and Steve's lives forever. Will they learn to cope with the changes?Will Steve's new relationship ruin everythin...