Chapter 21

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Just as Steve and Bucky were approaching the Stark he noticed a lot of civilians standing outside protesting. The super soldier parked his car quickly getting out, as he approached the crowd of people he saw Tony and Aurora trying to calm everyone down. Steve made his way through the crowd walking towards them confused "Tony!What is going on, why are all these people here?"the brunette turned to him angry that he would even ask such a question when he probably knew very well what was going on 

"Your wife told the whole media about you and me. And that you married her only to cover up your sexuality"Steve couldn't believe that she would do such a thing. But then again of course she would after she revealed her true self, the super soldier stood in front Tony as if trying to protect him facing the civilians "Please we can be civil about this we can talk this out", "We want you gone we don't want people like you here.You and Stark are a disgrace to humanity"one man yelled taking a hold of the super soldier soldier,Tony and Bucky seeing what was happening ran out to try and help him but were stopped and held back but a few men.

Steve didn't want to hurt them that was the last thing that he wanted,to hurt the civilians when he's job was to protect them. Just about every man in the riot began to beat him up as others held the brunette back "No!Steve!Leave him alone"Aurora ran towards the super soldier but a woman stopped her before she could reach him "Steve!I'm pregnant"the super soldier glanced up at the brunette suddenly.

Surprised and happy that he was having another baby with the person he loved.Tony fought to get release pushing the men off of him, at this point he didn't care about hurting him he only wanted them to stop hurting Steve. The brunette shield the super soldier with his body, the men stop Tony glancing down at him caressing his cheeks with pain in his eyes "What in the world is going on here?"a voice boomed loudly, it was Fury who came to put order...

Steve opened his eyes, his sight adjusting to the light, as he turned his head to the side, flinching in pain,he was at the hospital "Tony..?"the brunette smiled, taking the super soldier's hand in his "Yeah, you gave us quite a scare there Cap"Steve chuckled quickly regretting it, he winced in pain again, the events of that afternoon came flashing back in a blink of an eye. Raising concern, the super soldier wondering if what Tony had said was true "Tony you...are you..."before he could finish there was a knock on the door. Aurora practically ran inside towards the super soldier

"Papa!"she hugged him tightly glad that he was ok.Behind Ari was Nick Fury his arms across his chest.

"I'm gladding you are awake Rogers, you'll be glad to know that I had Ms. Hill investigate the situation.It turns out Sharon talked to a reporter and told him everything about you two, even Aurora"Tony wasn't shocked he knew that she was capable of anything. Now that Steve had separated from her all she wanted now was to get back at him.Steve on the other hand was upset about what she had done, regardless of what she did he still thought she was a sweet woman.

"I can't believe she would do that"Steve spoke softly, taking Ari's hand in his.

"I can, that psycho will do anything to hurt us"the super soldier knew Tony was right but he still liked to believe that there was still some good in her.At least for their son's sake, even though the baby was not his he still considered it his.

"Anyways we are working on controlling the situation and the civilian's as well.You just worry about getting better soon"Fury smiled walking out of the room.The brunette sighed turning back to look at the super soldier. After everything that's happened he was not sure what was going to happen to their relationship now that Sharon was out of the picture. Tony thought that things could never be the same between them, not how it used to be at least.

"Papa, does that mean that you and my little brother are coming to live with us?"Aurora asked excitedly.Steve glanced at the brunette, he really wished he could say yes but he knew that would be impossible. He also realized that he hadn;t told neither Tony nor Aurora that the baby Sharon was having wasn't his.The super soldier sighed, shaking his head.

"No sweetie,I-I have to take care of some things first"Aurora lowered her head disappointed by his response.

"It's for the best peanut"Tony butted in trying to make her look at him but Ari pulled her arm away from him. All she wanted was for them to be a big happy family but it seemed to her that they would never make up.

"Don't you love each other anymore"she raised her voice slightly turning from Steve to Tony tears streaming down her cheeks.

"It's not that baby, me and Tony have some things to figure out before we can decide to be together again"Aurora shook her head angrily running out of the room.Tony glanced back at Steve not knowing what to say anymore.

"I didn't want to say this in front of Ari, but it turns out the baby Sharon and I-Sharon was having isn't mine"

"I'm-I'm sorry Steve I know how much you wanted that baby"the super soldier nodded his head sighing deeply. He also remembered that before everything had happened with the civilians he was heading to the Stark Tower to make things right with Tony. But he also wanted to give them both time to rethink, Steve wanted nothing more but to spend the rest of his life with him. He had hurt the brunette so much he couldn't bear doing it once more.

"Yeah I am too.That's why I'm going to fight to get custody of him, he might not be mine but he would be much better with me than with Sharon"Tony nodded his head looking away from him. Despite their current situation he loved him.

"I understand"there was a small pause between them both

"I love you Tony,I promise you after all of this is over we will be together for the rest of our lives"the brunette smiled leaning in towards him as they shared a long and passionate kiss.No matter the circumstances their love for one another was bigger than the obstacle they encountered.

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