Chapter 15

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A/N:I'm also sorry for this chapter...hope you guys are enjoying this version.Happy reading XX :)

The next morning Steve opened his eyes the sunshine blinding him, he soon felt someone beside him as he looked down and saw Tony under his arm that was wrapped around his waist.He smiled seeing him fast asleep, he kissed the top of his head suddenly everything that happened last night coming back to him.At first he felt guilt for betraying Sharon like this, yet last night was the best night he ever had.Steve stared at him while he watched his move in his sleep finally opening his eyes "Steve?"the super soldier nodded smiling, he kissed the tip of his hand his gaze never leaving his .Tony sat up, as he saw that he was completely naked realizing what had happened last night "Steve I..."

"Shhh I know"he leaned in planting a kiss on his lips pulling away grinning "Steve but you're married"the super soldier sighed staring down at his hands for a few seconds then up at him once again "I know but I realize that no matter how much I tried I can't be without you" he joined his forehead with his smiling "I love you Tony and no one can change that", "Not even Sharon"Steve shook his head leaning in and kissed him as they deepen the kiss.The super soldier pulled away from him hearing his phone ring, looked for it in his shirt then his pants taking it out. 134 messages, 114 missed calls, and 10 voice mails from Sharon "Wow possessive much?"Tony commented standing up putting his cloth back on.

Steve sighed setting his phone down next to him frustrated, he hated when Sharon acted like this.He glanced up at the brunette and he couldn't help but smile "What I would give to stay here with you all day long"Tony turned around to face him as he pulled up his pants he leaned down and peck him on the lips. The brunette thought for a second of what they were doing, he thought about Sharon even though he really dislikes her. The last thing that he wanted was to ruin a relationship with a child in the middle of it all. That was what she had done either way, in different kind of way since him and Steve were already separated, deep down he knew that he wasn't this kind of person 

"Steve if we continue this, whatever it is that we are doing"he said pointing to himself then to him as he button up his shirt then sitting back down next to him "Would you be able to sleep at night?Cause I know I wouldn't"he finished watching his face go from confusion to thinking. The super soldier thought about what he had said, but at this point did he really care?All he felt for Sharon was affection, maybe he had first met her he can admit that he felt attracted to her but right now being Tony this close last night he had experienced feelings like never before. 

"Honestly, no but I love you Tony and I don't want to be with anybody else.I have to admit I don't like how selfish I'm being, I'm not thinking about Sharon but I can't change the way I feel"the brunette stayed silence staring out at the city watching the car drive, the chaos of New York of traffic some people trying to get to work.Steve stared at him waiting for him to say something anything but he didn't, he grabbed his chin and made him look at him "What's wrong you don't feel the same way?"there was no reply,Steve stood up fidgeting around finding his cloth then quickly putting them on. Just as he was about to out his shirt on he was stopped by the brunette, the got up as well "I do love you Steve if I didn't I wouldn't have had sex with you"

"Then why don't we keep this...this immense love we have for one another"the mechanic glimpse down at his hand once again staying silent making Steve think that maybe he wasn't in this with him all the way.He says that he loves him but he isn't showing it the way he is which only makes him mad, something that the super soldier was forgetting was that today he was moving back to Brooklyn with Sharon but the heat of the moment made him shut out that very important point "Why are you continuing to be silent?"Steve finally spoke becoming annoyed by his attitude, just when he thought that things were going to be fine between them it seemed like he was having doubts 

"Steve you know exactly what's at stake here"the super soldier put on his shirt then walking off to the elevator.Tony turned around on heels watching as he walked away and knowing how he messed it up, just when he thought things were going to be better between them he sighed now returning to look out at the city.As the Steve arrived home he saw a moving van parked outside of his house quickly remembering that today was the day that him and Sharon were moving to Brooklyn.He parked his car in the driveway getting off.

He walked inside their house seeing his wife yelling at one guys helping her with the boxes,Sharon immediately spotted Steve practically running towards him "Steven where the hell have you been?Do you expect me to do this all by myself"she yelled at him while pointing a finger like if she was his mother.The super soldier had to think of an excuse.He can no longer use the Fury card, she might no believe him "I...was with Bucky I'm sorry he called me to tell me that Aurora needed me and before I knew it I fell asleep at his apartment"Sharon narrowed her eyes at him not knowing if she should believe him or not.

Either way she gave him the benefit of the doubt nodding her head handing him a small box "Come on then we need to finish''Steve nodded his head helping to put boxes in the moving van.Just when they were almost done, the super soldier walked to the moving van when he saw a car park his driveway, he watched as he saw Bucky getting off.The back door opened Aurora stepped out with her Iron Man action figure in her hands,Bucky extended his hand to her holding it walking up to Steve "Hey what's going on here?"he asked as he approached the super soldier, Steve put the box in the van turning to them 

"We're moving back to Brooklyn'', "That's today?"Aurora stared from her uncle Bucky to her papa wondering why they didn't tell her that he was going away.She pulled her hand away her uncle's hand "Papa you're moving?"Steve knelt down to her level smiling "We're moving.You have to come with us"Aurora frowned she didn't like the idea that she was going to be far away from her daddy, she didn't understood why the judge decided for her that she had to stay with Steve. "What about daddy?"the super soldier explained to her that he was staying here but he was going to take her to see him when the judge gives them permission for him to see her.

Ari didn't like the idea but she didn't have any other choice,Steve stood up straight again turning to Bucky "Buck can you do me a favor?Can you take Aurora back to the Stark tower?I have to stay and help Sharon with the rest of the boxes", "Sure thing"he smiled giving him a quick hug then grabbing Aurora hand again leading her back to his car.With one last goodbye Bucky drove off to the Stark Tower, once there he parked his car helping Aurora off.They knocked on the door as it opened being welcomed by JARVIS, just as they walked in Tony was walking up the stairs to greet them. "Daaadddyy!!"Aurora yelled.

The mechanic opened his arms out for her embracing her in a hug "Peanut!Did you have fun with Steve?"Ari nodded her head wrapped her little arms around his neck "Yeah, but daddy me and papa have to move to Brooklyn I don't wanna leave"Tony gave her a hugged he didn't wanted to be separated from her either but it was something that judge had decided even it broke both of their hearts.

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