Chapter 20

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After rescuing Aurora Tony decided it would be a good idea to take her back to the Stark Tower with him.Steve thankfully didn't have any problem with that since he had to go take care of Sharon.The team had decided to do a memorial service for Loki that same afternoon.As night time came around the brunette put Aurora down for bed heading to his room to see if he can get any rest.A few minutes after he laid down he began to toss and turned in his bed not being able to get any sleep.He finally sat up on his bed thinking about this last few months.A lot has happened since Steve found out that Aurora was his daughter.

How him and Steve haven't been able to be together now that he is married.The brunette sighed getting up from his bed and heading downstairs, meanwhile Steve sat alone in his living room. He had the engagement ring that was meant to be for Tony before they had broken up. He played with it for a few seconds then setting it down on the coffee table.Now that Sharon was "locked up" he wasn't sure what he was going to do with his life.He still has his son he had to look after, he just wished he could make things right with Tony. 

He got up from the couch making his way up to his room,Back at the Stark tower the brunette went over to his bar taking out a glass and a bottle of whiskey. He poured himself a cup drinking it quickly, instead of pouring another one he decided to drink from the bottle instead. He was trying to forget about Steve regretting ever meeting him, but then he thought about Aurora and how she wouldn't be here if they never met.Aurora was the only good thing that has happened to him upon meeting Steve.

He grabbed the bottle going down to his lab, he punched in the code walking up to his desk. He saw a picture that he had of him and Steve, he grabbed it staring at it intently, a single tear streaming down his cheek. He then proceeded to throw the picture across the room pushing everything off his desk. "FUUUCKKK!!l He took another sip of the bottle sitting down on a chair.Even though he hated Steve for everything he had done to him he loved him with some much passion, that was enough to forgive. The brunette set his head down on his desk, closing his tightly, two seconds later he heard someone punching in the code. 

He looked up to see Steve making his way towards him, Tony immediately got up not believing that he was truly there, the brunette started walking towards him hugging him tightly. He didn't want to let go thinking that if he did that would be the last time he would hug him.The super soldier pulled away first grinning down at him "What-what are you doing here?What about Sharon?".Steve chuckled, kissing him on his forehead ''I couldn't stay away"he simply smiled.Tony leaned in their lips only inches apart but just when they were about to kiss Steve disappeared into thin air.

Tony opened his eyes when he didn't feel the super soldier, he looked around the room confused calling out for him but there was no response. The mechanic suddenly gasped lifting his head up from his desk, realizing that it was only a dream. He still had the bottle of whiskey in his hand,Tony decided to call it a night going back up to his room and try once again and get some sleep.

******The Next Day******

Just as the super soldier was heading out to the Stark Tower he received a call "Hello Mr Rogers?".Steve replied with a low yes hoping Sharon was ok, there was a small pause from the lady on the other line when she finally spoke "We need you to come down to St. Joseph's Hospital the sooner the better".Now the super soldier's intuition could be right "What is going on?"he frantically looked for his keys eventually finding them and instantly walking out to his car.He got in and started the engine "Unfortunately Mr. Rogers I cannot give you that information over the phone"he assured them that he would be there soon and hung up. The super soldier hastily drove to the hospital. Once there he parked his car practically running inside and asking for Sharon "She is currently in the operating room. 

The doctor had to induce labor on her" Steve simply nodded his head worried for Sharon and their son. He sat down taking his phone out calling Bucky. He really needed a friend right now, he thought about calling Tony at first but considered it to be a bad idea. A few hours went by and the doctor finally stepped into the waiting room to give the super soldier news on his wife "Mr Rogers?Your wife is ok, but we had to place your son in an incubator. But you can go in and see your wife if you like"he smiled, Steve turned to look at Bucky as he shook his head. 

The super soldier accompanies the doctor to Sharon's room excusing himself once they had gotten there, Steve knocked on the door softly opening it and walking in. Just as Sharon saw him she frowned "What are you doing here?"she sneered as she turned to look at the wall instead. Steve sighed making his way over to her, he rested his hand on her arm but she swiftly moved it away "I'm here to meet our son" Sharon laughed hypocritically glancing back at the super soldier with loathsome eyes "Jr is not your son.I think you might have discovered it by now"she retorted, unfazed by the whole situation. 

Steve was only hurt that she would fool him like that and nevertheless cheat on him, "Why?Why did you do this" she simply chuckled all while trying to sit up on her bed "Easy because you were always running back to that no good bastard Stark. I thought that if I got pregnant you would have to get married with me.Regardless of the brat and your feelings for Tony" The super soldier shook his head hating himself for ever believing anything she had said to him, it was all his own fault for falling into her trap.

"What's wrong?Do you feel stupid?You should.I told you Steve you were gonna be mine and only mine", "I will be sending you the divorce papers soon. Regardless of what you say I'm going to make things right with Tony" with that he left the room walking out to the waiting room where Bucky was. The winter soldier stood up looking at Steve with concern "Hey what happened?" the super soldier glanced up at him with a disappointing face sighing deeply "I'm an idiot Buck. The baby is not mine". Bucky pulled him in for a hug trying to comfort him somehow, but he knew there wouldn't be anything that could cheer him up. 

He was so happy and excited for the birth of his son only for him to not be the father. Bucky pulled away from the hug and smiled "So what are you going to do now?"Steve suddenly grinned "I'm going to try and fix things with Tony.I love him Buck and I can't live without him for one for second"Bucky nodded his head chuckling and hugged him once again as they both made their way to the Stark Tower never imagining what was about to happen next...

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