The Offer

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NEW NOTE: Hey! Emily7love here! I have reposted this book from Quotev. This is my first fanfic I ever wrote so bear with me, the beginning is rushed and not great... but in my opinion it gets better. So enjoy!
Author note: hey! This is my first fanfic. It's hiccup x reader. That's really it :) enjoy and comment. Do whatever.
You sigh into the breeze, as the wind moved your hair tickling your face. It was such a peaceful day at Berk. The sun was out, shining for once. The birds sang their morning songs, and you couldn't help but smile. You looked out to the water that was in the cove. The way the sun shone on it made you feel like swimming.

But this place was often visited by a certain someone, so you dare not swim. Getting up you brushed yourself off and let out another sigh before turning to leave. You had been out there for quite a while and didn't want anyone to worry about you being gone.. Not that anyone would notice that. Let's just say that not many people here on Berk paid attention to you. But you always guessed that was kinda your fault. You don't talk to people much.

As you walked back to the village nothing much happened. Like most days the woods was full of nothing but woodland creatures that didn't pay much attention to you.

Nearing the village you decided to head home. Nothing much to do. The whole village had been at peace with dragons after Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III defeated The Mother of all Dragons. Which was great, it never bothered you that most everyone here had a dragon. You didn't have one through. Dragons had killed your parents making you an orphan. Being only 8 when that happened it was hard. Even 9 years later you still didn't really trust dragons. Others having them though, you didn't mind. If anything it was much less stressful now that there were no more dragon attacks.

As you approached your house, you hear someone calling your name.

"Hey, (y/n)! Wait up!" You weren't use to people wanting to talk to you. You turned to see who it was. Your eyes met bright green ones, ones that belonged to the chief's son.


You smile polity and wave at him, "hello Hiccup." Once he had caught up he said, "I noticed that you're one of the only people not to sign up for dragon training. I know what happened.. With your parents... And all... But I just wanted to know if you finally maybe wanted to try?"

You thought for a moment trying to think of what to say. Finally you settled on, "I'm not sure. I just.. Don't know." You met his eyes again, watching his every movement. "And I'm sorry that I can't really give you an answer." You added with a tiny laugh. "Well don't sweat it." He says smiling. "I think you'll enjoy it though, just tell me if you want to. I can give you a privet lesson, if that would make you feel more comfortable."

"Thanks Hiccup, I'll think about it." You give him a small smile.

"Well, I-I better get back to the academy, I hope to see you there." He waved goodbye. You wave back not saying anything. Then you turn and reach for the door knob.

You entered your house and looked around. It was small, just enough room for two people, and maybe a dragon? You sighed out loud, laughing for thinking something like that. Slowly, you made your way upstairs to your room, digging out an old photo album. You bring it over to your bed and sat down opening it slowly. You flipped through the pages, letting the memories flow over you.

The first photo you come across was an older photo of your parents and Hiccup's father, Stoick. Your parents had been great friends with the Haddock's. In fact Stoick had given this house to you. Being close to your parents, you always guessed he felt bad. You turned the couple more pages, finding one of you when you were 5. You chuckled at what you saw, a little girl with little pig tails but the same old (e/c) eyes. On the next page it was a picture of Hiccup and you, Hiccup being 6. He looked so small back then, fragile even. Well he still does. You passed the photo without thought. After everything with your parents you two had kinda just drifted. He was always there for you though when it first happened..

You sat up in Hiccup's room, laying in his bed. Your eyes were swollen and red. Ever blink hurt. You heard a soft knock on the door.

"Hey? Can I come in?" Came the voice. You easily recognized it as Hiccup. "Sure." Came a weak reply.

The door slowly open, creaking slightly. The steps came close to the side of the bed, one foot stepping on a squeaky board. Facing away from him, you felt a hand on your arm, and a thumb stroking gently before letting out a soft sigh, "I know this isn't going to help much, but.. I'm really sorry." He said as you lay there.

The tears came again, luckily he couldn't see you. Your voice betrayed you letting out a shaky, "thanks." He sighed yet again before getting up. You thought he was going to leave, but the steps made their way around the bed. You looked at him as he knelt down, so you were face to face. He brushed your hair out of your eyes and looked at you with pain, while you looked away. Then you feel two hands on your shoulders lifting you up to a sitting position. Hiccup rapped his arms around you, pulling you close. You put your arms around him and buried your eyes into the crease of his neck and sobbed. He rocked you back and forth while rubbing your back. A faint sound escaped his lips, "shhhh"

Flashback ended

You tear up from the memory, then wiped them away. Putting the book back on the shelf, you drop back down on your bed and stare at the ceiling. "I have been lonely for quite a while, maybe I should take up Hiccup's offer?" You bite your lip as you think. "Mom, dad.. What would you want?" You ask quietly, waiting as if someone would answer you.

Being so young when they left you, you really don't know what they would think of this. What would make me happy? You already knew that answer. You wanted your friends back, you didn't want to live alone, and you wanted to be happy.

You quickly jump up before you could change your mind and ran out the door.

The Longest Wait [Hiccup X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now