The Dress

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A/N: I'm back! School has been busy and between marching band, radio club, and classes I haven't had that much time. But I got one for you. It's shorter than the others, but I hope you like it anyway. Thank you for being patient and all the motivating comments! They really help :)
You ran as fast as your legs could take you. Your boots were now soaked from the snow and your legs were becoming tired from running. You stopped running and began to walk, breathing heavily. Once the house came into view you ran to the front door and walked in. "Hiccup? I need to tell you something." Then you remembered, he was at the forge.

Valka appeared at the top of the stairs. "He isn't here, dear. I would try the forge." You nodded. "Thanks. I'll try that." When you turned to grab the doorknob Valka stopped you. "While you're here can you try on the dress I'm making?" You bit your lip knowing you should probably talk to Hiccup first. "I kinda need to talk to Hiccup right now, is it ok if I try it on later?" She had a slightly confused look but nodded. "Ok, how about later tonight?" You smiled and nodded. Then you headed out the door after thanking her.

Your feet were still wet, and you cursed yourself for not grabbing dry shoes. It was starting to snow again and the wind was bitter against your skin.

When the sound of metal on metal was heard, knew you were getting close to the forge. Within minutes you were walking through the place. "Hello (y/n). Here for Hiccup, I assume?" Gobber put down what he was working on and walked over. "Hi Gobber. And yes is he in the back?"

"Yeah, are you already lass? You look a bit shaken." You managed a little laugh and nodded. "Yeah, it's just cold." He continued to look at you but shrugged it off. "Go on back, best knock first." He pointed back to where Hiccup was, and you thanked him before heading over. You knocked three times on the door and waited for it to open. It did after a couple of seconds. Hiccup stood on the doorway and smiled at you. He wiped his forehead which was covered in sweat. "Hey good timing, I just finished."

Before you could say anything, his trained eyes noticed something was wrong. "Ok, what is it? I know that look. And why are you so wet?" His hand motioned to your clothes. "I need to tell you something, it's important." He nodded and pulled you inside. Once the door was shut, he turned to you. "Here." Hiccup unzip your coat and gently pulled it off you. Then he reached over and pulled his off the hook. "Put this on, then change once we get home. I don't want you getting sick."

"What about-"

He stopped your words with a finger on your lips. "Just do it. I'll be fine, you're the one who is soaked. Did you find Makeshift?" You shook your head and frowned slightly. "No, but I may have found Toothless." His eyes widened slightly. "A-are you sure?" You nodded. "I know I saw him. And the outcasts. They're all here." His brows furrowed. "Where?" You swallowed and shivered slightly, still cold. "On the other side of the island."

There was a moment of silence as Hiccup took in what you said. "Then we have to get him back." You agreed. "I've already thought of something." Hiccup smiled at you and pulled you close, squeezing the air out of you. "Hiccup... Can't breath.." He loosened up a little but kept you in the hug. "I love you." He kissed your cheek and finally let go. You couldn't help but laugh a little. "So, what's your plan?" You took a deep breath before continuing. He wasn't going to like it, and you knew that.

"Could we go home first? I'm really cold." He nodded. "Yeah, of course." He reached for the door and opened it, holding it for you. Your feet squished in your boots as you walked out of the forge.

"Hey Gobber, I'm heading out. I'll probably see you tomorrow." Gobber stopped whatever he was working on again and smiled. "Yep, you two stay warm." Hiccup waved and grabbed your shoulders leading you outside. Once the wind was on you again, you shivered and pulled Hiccup's coat tighter around you. Hiccup pulled you close to his chest and wrapped his arms around you in an attempt to warm you. "We'll be home before you know it." You nodded and noted that he was now shivering slightly from not having his coat.

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