A/N: hey, sorry for this one its a little strange. But enjoy though :) comment what you think
Hiccup's P.O.V
I awoke to my dad calling me from downstairs. I rolled over in my bed. The sun hadn't even come up, well actually it was just starting to. I heard his heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, and him opening the door."Son! Get up we have a busy day of chief work to do. And being the future of Berk you need to be ready to handle the responsibility of being chief." I moan knowing that he wasn't going to leave me alone and sat up in bed. "But dad!"
"No buts, son! Get up we've got work to do."
I groaned again flopping back down trying to make the most of the time I had left in my bed under the warm furs.
"Son!" He called again more stern this time. "Coming!" I got up and went down the stairs.
It had been a couple weeks since the incident with Astrid at the cherry blossom tree. I'd been doing my best to simply just forget the whole ordeal. The news of us being split has gone around fast. Some people agree, some didn't care. But there were others who didn't exactly like the idea of what happened. Mostly Astrid's family. Well all of her family. And most everyone knows of (y/n) and I now too. News spreads fast when you're next in line to be a chief I guess.
When I'm down stairs I look at my dad who has a happy smile on his face. "Ah come on, Hiccup. I thought you were a morning person."
"Not this early." I mumble to myself. He didn't seem to catch my joke, so I grabbed some bread and followed my dad out the door.
3 hours later
"Thank you Stoick! I couldn't have fixed the roof without ya."
"No problem Eira! I'm always happy to help."
The woman turned to me, "are Ye coming to ma wedding Hiccup?" I smiled at the woman. "Yes, I'll be sure to come." I smiled at her. "Are you going to bring that new girl of yours?" A sly smile appeared on her face. I feel myself blush at the mention of her. "Well, I don't know. I guess, maybe." I scratch my head a little and feel my dad's hand smack against my back sending me forward a little.
"Oh course they'll both be there! As future chief and the future wife of the chief." He gives me a wink. The blush in my face increases. "Dad! No one said I'm going to marry her! What if she doesn't want to go?" They both laugh at me and I feel myself blush even more. "Ah, I remember when I was your age saying the same thing about ma soon to be husband." I threw my hands up, "Ah. Dad can I go?" The old chief sighs. "Fine, go on." He turned and continued his conversation with Eira.
I started to head back to my house to go fly Toothless when a familiar voice stopped me. I turned slowly to see the young female running toward me.
"Hiccup! Can we talk for a minute."
I rolled my eyes. Astrid. What could she possible want now?
"Hey Astrid." She walks once she gets closer. "Hey Hiccup." There was a moment of silence between us before she spoke up again. "Look, I wanted to apologize for acting so horrible." I looked at her in surprise. It was great to hear this, but it defiantly wasn't like her. "Oh, you-you are?" She looked sheepish. "Yeah, I shouldn't have done that. And I-I hope we can forget this?" I gave her a smile. "Yeah, that would be great. Friends?" I thought I saw her clench her jaw, but she nodded. "Friends." With that she took off. It was a little strange that she did that, but I'm glad. I head to (y/n)'s to tell her what happened.
(Y/n)'s P.O.V
You grab some fish for Makeshift. She had been bugging you since you woke up, which was an hour or two ago. She jumps excitingly as you put the basket down for her to eat from. She eats quickly enjoying every bite. You couldn't help but laugh at her grabbing a book and opening to where you left off.

The Longest Wait [Hiccup X Reader]
Fanfiction|Completed| A long time ago in Berk your parents sadly pass away. But leave it to one boy to try to make you smile. When a plan goes wrong will your relationship with Hiccup crumble due to the new addition? Read to find out! Older Hiccup is used.