A/N Hope you enjoy this one :)
(Y/n)'s P.O.V
You struggled against the outcasts grip, trying to get away even though deep down you knew it wouldn't matter. You were out numbered and Toothless was being chained down by the second. You looked back to Hiccup who was yelling angrily at Drago. He looked at you, "I won't let them hurt you! I promise." You wanted to run to him and have him hold you. "Hiccup," you started but never finished, for outcasts holding you pushing your head forward ruffly.
"Which cell do we throw them in?" Asked one turning to the dark Viking who now stood next to you. "Throw them in different ones." He said turning his back. "But sir, there's only one cell left. We haven't had enough time to make-"
"Then put them both in there and watch to make sure they don't escape." He walked off, then stopped to look at you. At first, you thought he was going to say something, but he never did; he smiled and chuckled to himself before continuing on.
The outcasts' holding Hiccup threw him into the cell first, then they pushed you in. Hiccup caught you in his arms before you hit the ground. Once on your feet, Hiccup sighed and sank down onto the ground. You sat next to him and put a hand on his back. He looked over at you and weakly smiled. "Are you ok? They didn't hurt you did they?" His eyes looked at your arm which they had cut, his fingers grazed past them gentle as a hurt look crossed his face. "What happened?"
"Oh, they just- it happened when they first got me. It's fine, really. How did you find me?"
"Well, long story short, and you're not going like this. I-I followed Vali here." It took you a minute to understand him. "Vali? B-but he-"
"Is still an Outcast. He came to me after we discovered Makeshift." Your heart fluttered, and Hiccup must have picked up on the looked on your face. "My mom is taking care of her." You nodded and left out the breath you didn't know you where holding. "So what about Vali?"
"We played right into their hands. Everywhere Vali went with us was more or less planned. But-" Hiccup looked over to the door. Upon seeing no one, he leaned in closer. "They didn't plan for him betraying them. I was heading out for Outcast Island and he told me everything. Where they took you, what they had planned. I still don't trust him, but I had to get to you. Even if it meant getting trapped."
"So you have a plan on getting out?" He smiled slightly and brushed your cheek. "Of course. I told the village where I was going, and if I wasn't back in a day to send help."
"S-so we're going to be ok?" He nodded then his brows furrowed. He shook his head after a moment and grabbed your hand. "How is our baby?" You managed a giggle then added, "good. But I'm-I'm scared. Hiccup, what if I give birth here. What if-"
"We'll be ok, I won't let the outcasts hurt either of you." You couldn't help but smile, and suddenly couldn't think about anything but his lips. He must have felt the same way, because shortly after, he began to close the gap between you two. Your lips only met for a few second before someone opened up the door. Hiccup broke away and turned to see who opened the door. It was Cnut.
"What are you doing?" Hiccup asked standing up and stepping in front of you protectively. "Just my orders, young Haddock. Don't make me use force, or do. I'd be happy to use force on you."
"You still haven't answered my question." Cnut glared, "then I guess it's none of your business." He walked foreword and pushed Hiccup to the ground. He grunted trying not to go down so easily. You got to your feet just to get the back off look from Hiccup. You watched helplessly as Cnut put ropes around Hiccup's wrists. He grunted as he pulled them tighter. Cnut knock him on the side of his head, causing the auburn haired boy to fall to the side.

The Longest Wait [Hiccup X Reader]
Fanfiction|Completed| A long time ago in Berk your parents sadly pass away. But leave it to one boy to try to make you smile. When a plan goes wrong will your relationship with Hiccup crumble due to the new addition? Read to find out! Older Hiccup is used.