You pulled your jacket tighter around you when the breeze picked back up. "Why does it have to be so cold?" You asked turning to Hiccup who didn't seem to mind the freezing temperature. "Because we live on the meridian of misery?" You giggled a little and continued to make your way to the academy. Toothless and Makeshift followed close behind, they seemed to be excited about going to the academy.
When the building came closer you smiled knowing that it would protect you a little from the wind. The doors opened and you entered looking around. The little snow that was on the ground was all stomped down from the people who were walking around.
"Hey guys!" Fishlegs greeted waving you two over. You smiled and followed Hiccup toward the larger boy. Astrid was nearby petting down the spikes on Stormfly's tail. Snotlout was flirting with some of the other girls in the arena and the twins were playing around with their dragon. "Hey Fishlegs, so what are we doing today?" Hiccup asked looking around. "Well, there's been a change in plans. We were going to work on fighting techniques but one of the girls sighed up for training has a dragon we've never heard of!" Hiccup's smile grew at the fact that there was going to be a new dragon. "Really?! What's she calling it?"
"We don't know, she'll be here any minute now. She's from an island called, Weshysteria? It's somewhere up North of Berk."
"Yeah I've heard of it, nice people." Hiccup and Fishlegs talked about the new dragon for a while. You looked up to the sky and saw a shadowy figure flying near. "Is that her?" You asked catching their attention. Fishlegs nodded and stood up. "Yep, that's probably her."
You all waited for her land. When she did, a shorter girl with blond hair jumped off. She had hazel colored eyes and stood next to new dragon. The dragon was red, blue and green and looked like a Zippleback. But it had three heads, unlike the two headed dragon or the four headed dragon, the Snaptrout. "Wow." Everyone said as we watched her dragon. "Um, hi." She waved shyly looking around. Hiccup smiled and took a step forward holding out his hand. "Hello, I'm-"
"Hiccup." She smiled at him with excitement in her eyes. "Uh, yeah, and this is Snotlout, Astrid, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Fishlegs and (y/n)." When Hiccup said your name, he looked back and smiled at you. "I'm Eliza." She said looking at everyone. "And this is my dragon, Mistfire, Mistwing and Misty. He's a Hobblegrante." (Just making that up) As she spoke she pointed to each different colored head. (Mistfire is the redhead, Mistwing is the green head, and Misty is the blue head)
Everyone watched and asked questions. Eliza answered them all. You spend most of your time at the academy with Makeshift snuggled up to her. You were always tired for some reason. Not only that, but you noticed that you were starting to get some back pain. The other woman in the village told you not to worry, that is was just part of the while pregnancy, but it still hurt. After a while, you decided to work on some attack techniques with Makeshift.
"Hide and sneak." Makeshift disappeared as you searched for her. This was really for both of you. You were learning to find her and she was learning to be sneakier. You looked around and pointed to where you thought she was. She reappeared and you smiled when you saw you were right. "Ok, do it again." She disappeared again. You looked around but couldn't find her. After a while you saw her again and pointed. It was slightly off this time but you shrugged it off.
A sudden explosion from off somewhere in the stadium made you jump and you looked to see Eliza showing off some of the things Mistfire could do. You smiled and turned back to Makeshift. She was gone, so you looked around again thinking that she was hiding. When your eyes landed on Toothless you saw her. She was hanging out and having fun with him. You laughed and walked over to the two dragons.
"Hey what are you two doing?" The two dragons stopped and looked at you. The look they had made you laugh again. "Ok fine Makeshift, you can be done for today." Her and Toothless jumped happily and ran off. "Where are they going?" You jumped at the voice but smiled when you recognized who it was. "I don't know, hangout?" You turned and smiled at the green-eyed boy. He smiled back and grabbed your hand. "Care to join us?" You looked over as the others and nodded. "I was going to train Makeshift, but I guess she would rather hang with your dragon." You crossed your arms and glared at him. He laughed and turned back to the group. "He's his own dragon what can I say?" You rolled your eyes and followed after him.

The Longest Wait [Hiccup X Reader]
Fanfiction|Completed| A long time ago in Berk your parents sadly pass away. But leave it to one boy to try to make you smile. When a plan goes wrong will your relationship with Hiccup crumble due to the new addition? Read to find out! Older Hiccup is used.