Have Faith

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"Then what happened?" Hiccup asked, his full attention to what Vali was saying. He shrugged then shook his head. "I don't remember after that. I remember waking up here, that's all."

"The dragons must have taken him here then." You looked at Valka almost forgetting she and your father were in the same room. "But Toothless left me there. Would he really come back?" You looked back to Vali thinking carefully. "Not Toothless, but Makeshift would have. I couldn't find her that day, she must have been out looking for Toothless but found you instead." Makeshift lay next to Toothless. They were cuddled up in a tiny bundle off in a corner, eyes open listening.

"We can't let Drago and Alvin get the alpha." Fern spoke up. "It's going to take them a while to get, even find him. If we take out their main camp, we can put an end to this."

"War?" Hiccup turned around to looked directly at Fern. "You want to start a war? T-there has to be a better way." Fern raised an eyebrows at the auburn haired boy. "Like what?" Hiccup thought for a quick second, "I don't know... What if we got the alpha?" Fern shook his head. "Then it's just a race between us and the Outcasts. And if they find him before us we'll have very slim chances of-"

"Then we'll find him before the Outcasts. But I don't want a war." Hiccup's voice was calm, he was defiantly a negotiator. "I thought you wanted a war, Hiccup. You seemed fond of it a couple weeks ago." Hiccup sighed and looked down at his hand in his lap, "I wasn't.. Thinking straight. I'm probably still not, but I-I know I'm more clear now. I can't do a war right now- we can't do a war right now... Not with (y/n) in her current state. If something happened- I can't do it."

The only sound being heard was the fire cracking and the breathing of the Vikings that were in the room. "Hiccup?" Vali started getting his attention. "The Outcasts may look dumb, but they are smart when it comes to tracking dragons. I'm not sure how long it would take them to find and control the alpha... But it shouldn't be that long. I'd have to agree with taking out their main camp. And since I'm an outcast myself, I know all the right places you can hit."

Hiccup seemed to be thinking hard about this. Even though Hiccup himself wouldn't admit this, he was an overthinking. Always thinking about how his actions would affect others and how things could possible turn out. It's what would make him a great chief like his father.

Finally after a lot of heavy thinking, Hiccup looked up from the floor and around the room. We were all waiting to hear his orders. Even though he wasn't chief yet, he was the closest thing we had to one.

"Ok. Here's what we'll do. We can send a dragon bombing squad to Outcast Island and destroy their ships and weapons. No ships, no searching, no weapons, no shooting us out of the sky. It's going to take them a while to rebuild ships they can use for searching, and while they are, we will be looking for the alpha." Once he finished he watched the others faces closely. They were considering his plan.

"That just might work." Fern said rubbed his beard. You saw Hiccup's eyes snap toward the older Viking, surprise filling them. "R-really?" His voice cracked a little and you had to suppress a giggle. He cleared his throat and tried again, "I mean, that's great! When should we start?" This time Vali spoke up. "Just remember, Hiccup, they think I'm dead. So they have no idea that you know their plan. They got here by boat, and it will take them about 2 and a half days to get back. Knowing them, they probably will have already left. That gives us a day and a half to work with."

"It would take about a day to get there on a dragon." You told Hiccup. His eyes finally met yours, and he smiled a little making you feel warm on the inside. "Then we will have to leave right away. Hardly anytime to prepare. We would have to take out their defense before we get the ships, and if the other Outcast ships come in, it will be difficult."

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