The Truth

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A/N: Sorry if this might be a little boring, but I hope you enjoy it. I finally had a weekend where I didn't have homework to do. But please enjoy reading, thanks for all the faithful reads!

Once Hiccup had left, you got up and began to speed walk to the door only to be stopped by the guard. "Miss, please take your time." You rolled your eyes and huffed, continuing on your way. You did feel a little bad for taking out your slight anger on the poor guard, but at the moment you didn't care.

The guard walked behind you, keeping up with your pace. Given you had slowed down a little. Not because you wanted to or anything, it was mostly because you felt tired. The feeling was too familiar and had been happening since you got pregnant. Luckily for you, the house wasn't all that far away.

When you found yourself at the front of the door, you turned to him and put on your best smile. "I'm good, thanks." Before he could answer you opened the door and walked in. Hiccup was on the floor sitting next to Vali who looked confused. He was holding bowl filled with something over his face. Upon entering, Hiccup looked up. "You got here fast." He commented looking you over. Deciding to ignore his statement, you walked over to him and sat down. "So what's happened so far?" Hiccup kept his eyes on you for a moment, then started. "Well, when I got here, he was already awake. And now he's just kinda like this. He can't remember much about what happened to him or how he got here."

Vali's eyes were watching you. "Hey, (y/n)." He said. His voice was raspy and quiet. "How are you feeling?" You asked him gently. "I can't feel my arm." He lifted his right arm slightly. "It's numb."

"You might have frost bite." Hiccup said getting everyone's attention. "Oh." Was Vali's simple reply. Valka and Fern stood nearby watching and listening to the conversation. "Don't you remember anything, dear?" Valka asked after a moment of silence fell over the Vikings. "Only a little. It's slightly fuzzy."

He jumped slightly when a hand was placed on his shoulder. Your eyes watched the hand and traveled up the arm to find out who it was. Hiccup's soft green eye's were looking at the boy carefully. "Just do your best. Tell us what you can remember." He nodded and took a deep breath before continuing.

"This is what I remember.."

Vali's P.O.V
I watched as (y/n) left me there in the snow. It had been way to close a call. I felt bad for what I was about to do. Looking down at the strong Viking I knocked out, I lifted the shovel above my head and wait for a loud noise to cover up the louder one I was about to make. My chance came when the black Night Fury roared again and struggled against its chains. When he did, I thrust the shovel down as hard as I could on his head. It made a dong sound and I could feel the shovel's handle vibrate in my hand.

I hadn't even realized I shut my eyes until they opened to look down on the Viking. The side of his head was dented in, and a small pool of red snow circled his head. A horrible wheezing sound let him and his chest stopped rising and falling. Now to hide his body somewhere.

His name was Ian. Most called him Ian the Idiot. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, nor the shiniest either. His teeth were yellow from his poor hygiene and his hair was rather fuzzy and unwashed. Hopefully no one would realize his absence. Even if they did, they wouldn't care much. Some of them might even be glad to see him go.

As I dragged him through the the snow and deeper into the woods, I began to think about what I did. To most people, killing someone would make them feel horrible. Most would never be able to forgive themselves. But for some reason, I felt nothing. I had grown up around people killing people everyday and it didn't bother me a tiny bit that I took another man's life.

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