A/N Hey! Got another one for you. Hope you enjoy it. I'm also thinking about starting a Hiccup and Reader one shot requests, so I'll keep you posted on that ;)
As you flew through the air on Toothless you couldn't help but feel like you weren't going to find Hiccup. Toothless had lost the scent twice and you really didn't know where you were anymore. You sighed and held the fabric down to his noise again. The Night Fury took another smell and paused in the air for a bit while he looked for the scent again."Sweetie? I hate to tell you this, but I don't think we are-" You take off on Toothless again shutting out his words. His negatively wasn't helping you find Hiccup. Although you knew he was only trying to help. You heard him groan as Makeshift caught up. "Would you stop doing that!" You couldn't help but smile, teasing him was a little fun, and made you feel slightly better. You didn't answer causing him to sigh and shake his head. "You can be quite sassy, you know that?" You laughed and turned to him. "Yes I know."
You flew in silence for a little while, the cold was starting to get to you. Your cheeks stung from the wind whipping past them and you couldn't feel your ears. With that in mind you wrap your scarf around them to keep them from getting frostbite. You then started to wonder if the people of Berk had noticed your absence. They probably thought that the other spy Cnut had busted into the jailhouse and freed Vali. Then they came and kidnapped you and Hiccup. You wondered if they were looking for you now. They didn't know the two men's boss, so it would be hard to find you. Unless of course they were doing what you were doing with Toothless. Using the dragon's sense of smell.
You noticed how tired the two dragons looked. They had been flying for a while and you knew deep down that they needed to rest. "Vali, on the next island we see, let's land." He nodded and started to look around for one to land on.
A big island that had an ice dome came into view. You didn't think too much about it, giving that it was winter. When the island came closer Toothless seemed to perk up a little and get excited. He must have been really tired. It made you feel bad that you had flown him so much. When his feet touched the ground he started to smell again. "Toothless, just relax." You said to the worked up dragon. Makeshift landed and tipped Vali off her back. He fell off and hit the ground with a thump. As he groaned, you laughed and gave Makeshift a scratch under the chin. She seemed happy to finally be around you. She usually hated it when other people rode her.
You settled down near a group of rocks, Vali sitting next to you. Makeshift tried her best to block the wind by putting her wings around you. Toothless, on the other hand, kept pacing and looked around. "What's with him?" Vali asked, motioning over to Toothless. You shrugged and called him over. He wined and continued to looked around. "Maybe he's just nervous about Hiccup?" You suggest. You see Vali shrug and continue to watch him. "You know, I don't want to say it, but I don't think Hiccup would be out this far. He didn't have a dragon to get here and he defiantly wouldn't have left the island without you."
"I trust Toothless's sense of smell. Even though he lost it a couple of times, he always finds it again." He sighed and placed a hand on your shoulder. "I just don't want you to get your hopes up." You stay quiet not wanting to say anything. Instead you look to Toothless who was wining and trying to get your attention. Finally, you get up and walk over to the troubled dragon. "Toothless, what's wrong?" The dragon grumbled and pushed you trying to get you back on. Your brows furrowed. Something wasn't right.
"Vali, let's go. Something is wrong with Toothless. He doesn't like it here." Vali looks at Toothless then Makeshift who was now also getting on the edge. You climbed onto Toothless as Makeshift let Vali get on then took off into the skies again. When you looked back down at the island you noticed a figure standing near the top watching you leave. Next to them was a rather large dragon that you had never seem before. Vali followed your gaze and looked to see the figure. "Who's that?" You shook your head. "I don't know."

The Longest Wait [Hiccup X Reader]
Fanfiction|Completed| A long time ago in Berk your parents sadly pass away. But leave it to one boy to try to make you smile. When a plan goes wrong will your relationship with Hiccup crumble due to the new addition? Read to find out! Older Hiccup is used.