My Sweet Child

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Hiccup's P.O.V
I couldn't help but pace back and forth. No matter what I tried I couldn't seem to the think straight. Every thought and plan just jumbled into one fear and one worry. Where was (y/n)? Growing a little tired, I stopped momentarily to grip at the bars. Off in the distance of the dark cave were some men, on the other side was no one. The place where they dragged her off.

Suddenly, a faint scream echoed down the long cold hall. It had to be her. What were they doing? Blinded by emotions, I called out to the guards at the other end of the hall. "Alright Alvin! Drago! I-I'll give you Berk! Please.."

Within seconds a man walked over. One of the guards. He was smaller than the others as the armor he wore looked to be a little bit too big on him. Through his helmet, piercing blue eyes met my own, eyes that looked so familiar. "D-do I-"

"Keep quiet!" He hushed me putting a finger to where his lips would be if the helmet wasn't covering them. With a quick looked he turned back to me and grabbed me by the shirt collar. "It's me."

"Vali?" He nodded and then pushed me away harshly. "Where is she?" I asked stepping close again. "I'm not sure. We just got here."

"We?" He nodded then continued, "me and the whole village. They take our chief and heir, they mess with everyone." I smiled slightly. "You can be a citizen of Berk when we get through all of this. I promise." The young man's eyes curved as if he were smiling. "That means a lot, chief."

"Why the change of heart?" I asked giving him a questioning look. "Berk is so kind and gentle compared to Outcast Island. I guess I never realized that dragons, and people, and- we can do this later." I nodded. "Now (y/n). I think I know where they might have taken her. She'll be somewhere in the back away from everyone else-"

"Hey! You! Berk is attacking we need you out in the front!" He saluted the guard. "Yes sir! But orders from Alvin. He wants to see Hiccup about surrendering." The guard nodded. "Of course. But I'll take him, he's a little to unpredictable for you."

"No!" The guard gave him a questioning look. "Why not?" I could see Vali thinking fast. Something that was pounded into him as a young child. "I can take him. He's warn out from my fath-" he stopped dead and shook his head. "Cnut. He beat him up a little so I can manage him." He glared at the other Viking. "A-and they need a strong Viking like yourself out there, not a weaker one like me." He smiled a little and seemed pleased by the comment. "Well, I guess that is the truth isn't it- wait! Don't you distract me!" He grabbed the helmet, pulling it off. "V-Vali? We thought you were dead."

While the other Viking was still in shock, Vali grabbed his sword and used the butt to knock him out. He fell with great success. "Alright lets go!" I nodded and watched him grab a key off the incapacitated guard and unlocked the door. Vali slipped on his helmet and grabbed my arms as we walked off quickly to where Vali guessed she would be.

'Hang on, (y/n). I'm coming.'

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"You're making great progress!" Cnut said chuckling. "Shouldn't take you much longer." You cried out again trying to muffle it best you could. No way you were going to let him see you in pain anymore. Despite that, your finger nails dug hard into the rock underneath you. Suddenly, there were footsteps outside the cell causing Cnut to look away. "Berk is attacking!" An Outcast announced before running off to join the battle. You couldn't help but laugh a little. "Looks like you're going to lose. Like always." He growled and reached up digging his finger into your wound from earlier. You screamed trying to turn away but stopped after another pain ran wild through your body. You pushed along with the contraction not wanting to harm your child by keeping it in too long.

He pulled his fingers out allowing a small sigh of relief to leave your lips. "Now push or I'll do it again." He said darkly turning his attention back to in between your legs. "You'll never have my child. I won't let you." He chuckled a little before adding, "sure you will. And you're in such a great position to defend yourself, let alone others." A drop of sweat fell down your temple. If you could see yourself, you knew you would look terrible. But you also knew deep down you were a fighter, and you were strong.

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