Surprise Visit

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A/N: hey guys!! Here one for you. Though I would do a little parent bonding chapter. Hope you enjoy it, I'll be sure to have another update soon. I promise!
Hiccup immediately went into hero mode. "Are you positive!?" He asked, eyes wide. Your dad gave him an affirming nod. "He's outside, but by now I assume he's inside." Hiccup walked over the door and looked around. You heard his feet running down the stairs, and soon after you followed him out.

"Oh my gods! Toothless bud!! You're ok! I'm so sorry!! I know it wasn't your fault, you're my best friend bud. My best friend. Ah, I so happy to- oh come on! That doesn't wash out." Once you got the edge, you saw the familiar black dragon being attacked by Hiccup's hugs. Needless to say, Toothless seemed to be ecstatic to see him too. Hiccup laughed as Toothless got up and hooped around the room happily. "I-I can't believe this! How bud? How did you get away?" Toothless gave Hiccup a look then went back outside as if he forgot something.

Snow blasted through the opened door and into the house. Even from your stance at the top of the stairs, you could feel the temperature drop. Hiccup put his arms up to shield himself from the snowflakes. "Toothless! What are you doing?" He dragged a body bag inside and laid it down, well Toothless didn't. Makeshift did. Hiccup and his mom closed the door again and placed the boards back that the dragon had knocked down.

While they did this, you made your way down the stairs and toward your dragon. "Makeshift! Oh gosh!! I was so worried, holy crap!" You snuggled into her and listened to her purr. "Don't ever leave like that again! You gave me a heart attack!!" You continue to hug your dragon, glad she was ok. Makeshift wrapped her body around you lovingly and as if to apologize for leaving for so long. When you finally broke away, your dad, Valka and Hiccup were looking down at the bag Makeshift had brought in. "What is it?" You asked feeling Hiccup's presence next to you. His hair was covered in white snow, but it was slowly melting. He shrugged his shoulders and leaned down looking for an opening. Once he found it, he pulled it down but jumped back with a yelp. "Ah.. I-I think its a..... Body.." He wiped his hands on his pants as your father took over and finished unwrapping whatever it was.

Toothless stood next to you and nudged you gently. "Hi Toothless." You said patting his head. He purred and sniffed your stomach. "I'm ok." You whispered kissing his snout. He began to try to push you away from the bag. "Toothless, stop it." You said pushing his head down. He grumbled gently and started again, this time Hiccup jumping in. "Come on, bud. What's gotten into you?"

"Oh my gods..." You heard your dad whisper. "Fern? What is it?" Valka asked. She gasped and clamped her hands over her mouth. "Hiccup! Get the medical kit, now!" Hiccup's face went pale as he looked down at the bag.. Even slightly green. You had to see what it was. "What is it?" You walked over and peeked over Hiccup's shoulder, not seeing much. "Ohhhhh I can not un-see that." He walked away to get what his mother had asked for, allowing you to see.

And when you did, you understood why Toothless was trying to push you away. "Oh gods.." You were going to be sick. You walked/ran over to the nearby sink and lurched yourself over it gagging. Being that you were pregnant didn't help as you up threw up a little. Before you knew it, Hiccup was behind you rubbing your back. "I'm sorry... I should have stopped you." You shook your head and regained yourself. "No, I needed to see that." He nodded and grabbed a small rag wiping the corner of your mouth among a few other spots around your mouth.  

"What happened to him?" You asked after he finished his mission. Hiccup shook his head. "I don't know." Despite his blue face and lips and the gashes on his face, neck, and side, you knew it was Vali. His eyes had been opened showing his ice blue orbs.

"(Y/n), Hiccup, clear the table for me, so I can put him there. He needs serious help." You and Hiccup quickly started to take things off the table and set them aside. Your dad placed him on the table and started to run hot water. Valka felt for a pulse and sighed. "He's alive. I don't know how, but he is."

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