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A/N This chapter is pretty dramatic, so enjoy as the story unfolds.
(Y/n)'s P.O.V
I awoke the next morning with a splitting headache. What happened last night? You think to yourself, grabbing your throbbing head as you sit up. You could hear voices downstairs. They sounded angry, one recognized as Stoick. You manage to crawl from Hiccup's bed and stumble to the stairs looking down at the scene. Stoick, Gobber and Hiccup were all there.

"What do you think you were doing last night?" Stoick walked back and forth, furrowing his eyes brows.

"I told you I don't know what your talking about!" Hiccup's voice. He was sitting in a chair holding his head, clearly feeling the same as you.

"Now Stoick, he's probably being honest. They both had a lot, they shouldn't remember a thing." Gobber was trying to calm the fuming chief.

"Is she up yet?" He asked in more of a whisper. "Let me check." Gobber said walking to the stairs. You tired your best to stand as you looked at him. "What happened?" You asked holding your throbbing head again. "We'll tell you and Hiccup together." You walked down the stairs with the help of Gobber and sat on the couch near Hiccup. Once you sat down on the couch, Hiccup got up and sat next to you grabbing your hand. "(Y/n)? Are you ok?" You nod your head gently, wishing the pain would go away. "Do you know what happ-"

"No, I don't." He says cutting you off and looking back to his dad. The old chief still looked mad. Well, more disappointed. He finally spoke after a couple seconds of silence. "You two consumed a lot of alcohol." He says looking disappointed. You shook your head looking at Hiccup. "I don't remember doing anything like that." Hiccup said still holding onto your hand. Stoick pinches the bridge of his nose. "Oh course you don't."

"It was strong stuff." Gobber added. Hiccup continued to shake his head. "No. We didn't drink anything expect for what they had at the wedding."

"You weren't at the party! You two left and ended up in the forge!" You jumped a little at the chief's rage and looked at Hiccup who looked confused. He turned to you, "what do you remember?" You thought back to last night. "We were at a wedding and I remember dancing with Hiccup," you looked at Hiccup. "The last thing I remember was going somewhere, but I don't remember where I was going. Or why. Looking for you, maybe?" Hiccup listened to every word you spoke trying to fill in the blanks. You looked to the other two men in the room. They looked like they were thinking, so you didn't say anything.

Finally the chief sighed and spoke. "Well (y/n), in a couple weeks we'll get the elder in and see if you're pregnant. She can detect it at its early stages." You looked at Hiccup who looked at you, mirroring your shocked expression. "Wait, hold on." He said looking at the two men, standing up once again holding his head for a minute. "What do you mean pregnant?" They looked at each other. "Clearly you don't remember anything from that night." Hiccup rolled his eyes. "Fill me, us in." Stoick sat down and resting his head in his hands. He looked more tired than anything. "Let's just say when you two were there, getting drunk wasn't the only thing you did." You felt your face go white, and you could have sworn that your heart stopped beating. Hiccup was looking the same. "H-how, no that couldn't have happened!" His voice was going horse as he ran his hands through his hair.

"What's going to happen? I-if I am?" You spoke suddenly making all the eyes shift to you. "Well," Stoick started, "we would have to banish you from the island." Hiccup shook his head. "No, you can't banish her." His voice quivered a bit. "Or, you'll have to marry Hiccup before the baby is born."

"What if she isn't?"

"Usually for behavior like that, we would banish the people who did the act. But since no one really knows except us, and because you're future chief, I guess we could let that slide."

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