After standing at the cove for about two hours trying to think things through you finally decided to go back home. "Come on Makeshift." You called to your dragon. She can over offering her back to you. You climb up.
She spreads her wings and flies off. Within minutes she gracefully lands by the house allowing you to slide off. You get inside with Makeshift walking behind you. You ran your fingers through your hair coming across a few knots. You tugged them out with your fingers best you could.
What just happened! Was all you could think. Makeshift, noticing her distressed rider can over and put her head on your lap. She let out comforting noises looking up at you. Letting out a sign you pet her head. "What should I do?" You asked her. Seeming to know what you asked she pushed you up and headed to the door. "No. No Makeshift." She crooned at you softly. "I just don't know if I could face him right now. Maybe he'll come to me?" You look to see her give you a "not going to happen" look. You sighed knowing she was probably right. You'd probably have to do something.
After pacing for what felt like 3 hours (which was more like 15 minutes) you decide to go find the young Haddock. As you head out the door Makeshift follows. "No, stay here, ok? I need alone time with Hiccup." She grumbles a protest, but listens none the less. Trying to shake away any nerves, you head toward the house.
Upon arriving you prey to the gods that he would be there. Taking a deep breath you go to knock. But nothing happens. You drop your hand, knowing that you just couldn't do it.
You lost Hiccup Once! Don't lose him again. You told yourself. With that in mind you knock faintly on the door. It was silence. No one seemed to be coming. Sighing you began to turn away thinking of where else the young man could be. Then the door opened. Hiccup peeked out the door before making the gap a little wider. "Uh, hello." He said waiting for you to say something. Instead you froze and watched him for a while. He opened the door wider and sighed. "Want to come in?" You felt your legs carry you in through the door.
Once the door was shut you turn to him and to see his gaze set upon you a worried look glued to his face. "I know why you're here." He spoke softly making it hard to hear. You could feel the awkwardness building in the room. Finding yourself at a loss for words you decided to simple say, "you do?" This seemed to only make the poor boy even more nervous. "I told you. I-I didn't want to tell you."
"Well actually I was going to say never mind."
He watches you closely looking you up and down. You carefully take a step closer to him "why?" You bit your lip as he turns his head away from you. "I think you know why." Was his reply. Rosy blush spread over his face. "The only think I could think is that you have-" you stop and feel your face heat up at the realization of how he felt. He finished your sentence for you, "have feelings toward you. And.. Not just those of a friend." He peeked a quick glance at you.
About a minute of silence passed. "(Y/n)?" You meet his gaze. He smiles a nervous smile, "you know it would be nice if you said something like, 'Hiccup I feel the same way' or 'Hiccup you idiot you have a girlfriend.'" His voice going slightly higher in pitch. He gave you a pleading look watching your face for any kind of answer. You held back a smile. "Hiccup I-" you stopped as he took a couple steps closer to you placing a few strands of (h/c) behind your ear then gently grabbing your hands. "I've loved you, for.. Since we were young. After your parents I just, I couldn't-" he shakes his head letting his hands fall.
You didn't know what to do. You liked him too but you weren't sure if you loved him. You decide to close the distance between you and place your hands on his waist. Turning him to face you. "(Y/n), please say someth-" you quickly move your hand up and around to the back of his neck pulling his head down so your lips touched. The kiss was light and gentle. You feel his arms rap around you and bring you closer. After pulling away you look him in his deep green eyes. "Shut up for a minute would you." His face showed shock then was replaced by a clamer expression.

The Longest Wait [Hiccup X Reader]
Fanfiction|Completed| A long time ago in Berk your parents sadly pass away. But leave it to one boy to try to make you smile. When a plan goes wrong will your relationship with Hiccup crumble due to the new addition? Read to find out! Older Hiccup is used.