I Don't Like You

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A/N: IMPORTANT! Hey guys, there is part in here that's kinda dirty. So I'm warning you. I know some like reading those parts and others don't so I've come up with a way to make both happy. If you want to read it just read like normal. If not, I'll warn you when it's coming. I'll make is obvious too. And the best part is, is that the story will still make sense either way you read it. So I hope this helps all the readers! Thanks, love you.
Hiccup's P.O.V
"I'll take him to the jailhouse, you go home!" I turned quickly to get Vali to the jailhouse and get back before the storm hit. I could hear(y/n) calling my name, but I couldn't go back I had to hurry.

"Come on Toothless, we can do this bud." I was starting to feel bad about how much work Toothless had done today. He was getting really tired. Vali sat in silence on him. The wind was just starting to pick up. I could hear the wind swirling in my ears, it was getting colder by the minute.

Soon the jailhouse was coming into view.  "Just a little farther Vali." I said looking back at the Viking. He glared at me. "How did a girl like (y/n) fall for you?" I stopped and stared back at him. Did he really just say that? "Uh, I-I don't know. She just did?" He rolled his eyes at me.

I opened the doors to the jailhouse and looked around for Gobber. I didn't see him anywhere. Usually when there was a snowstorm like this Gobber would be around to make sure none of the prisoners would get out. Then again, who would try to escape during a snowstorm? After deciding that Gobber would be here any minute I turned to Vali.

"Here, this is where you'll be staying." I said pointing to the opened cell next to me. He hopped off Toothless and stared at me. "I like your girlfriend a lot more than you." He said. I watched him closely. "Do you want those ropes off or not?" He glared at me and held his hands out for me to cut them. I grabbed the knife from my boot out and cut through them. I should really get a new knife. This one is my old one, the blade was dull and small. Still handy though.

It took a while to cute through Vali's ropes, but soon his hands were free. "Ok, step into your cell. Gobber should be here to keep you company. And I wouldn't suggest running off now giving the snow-" I stumbled back when his fist came in contact with my face. It wasn't enough to draw blood, but it still hurt. I cupped my face in my hands and looked up at him. "Why would you do that?!"

"I don't like you. Your face was just so.. Punchable."

I don't know exactly what I was expecting to hear but ok? He stepped into his cell and shut the door. "And you're right, I won't run away. I'm not like you." I locked the door and looked back up at him. "And to think, I kinda liked you." I said glaring at him. He smirked at me stepping closer to the bars. "You know what Hiccup? I don't like you." I rolled my eyes. "So I've heard."

"Not at all. But your girlfriend is quite a great person. I might bring her back for me." I felt my chest rising and falling with anger. "She likes me anyway. Back in the woods she couldn't take her eyes off me. I could have her like that." He winked and snapped his fingers. "Listen here," I started walking closer to the bars so we were face to face. "You are going to stay away from (y/n) and my unborn child and me. If you even think about harming my family I will personally put an end to you."

"That's a little dark for the future chief. I'm sure (y/n) doesn't like that language."

"Stay away from my family." I felt my hands clench into fists. I couldn't even remember the last time I was this mad at someone. "Hey Hiccup." He said grinning. "Never let your guard down. Because when you do. She'll be mine."

I was about to make a good comeback when something stabbed into my side. I backed away and screamed looking down to see what it was. My knife was stuck in my side. The wound didn't feel deep with the knife being so dull no way it got that far. It hit the floor when I backed up. He must have gotten it when he punched me.

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