SIX (Iselen P.O.V)

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"No!" I leave the couch and step back to get away from her. "Ruby, I can't, no..."

"Why not? What are you afraid of?" She keeps her voice calmed staring at me from the couch. She hasn't move but I can feel the tension in her posture. I still can't believe she's here, I can't believe what she's telling to me, this isn't how things were supposed to be... I just... I never meant to encourage her to take this step but I couldn't help looking at her every time I was walking through the public areas of the Club and she was there... so beautiful and smiling, always greeting me kindly... and getting closer. Her clothes grazed my skin, her perfume filled my mind and I allowed it, I enjoyed it because I thought that it was all that I could get from her. It's been days since I don't walk through the private corridors to watch her from the other side of the mirrors, seeing her being dominant was fascinating till it turned painful because I knew she'd never be there for me... and also because I realized that something had changed and she was behaving slightly crueller and more violent... but I never thought it was because of me.

"You don't understand..." I whisper and she raises an eyebrow waiting for an explanation. I point at my desk with tons of papers stacked up on it. "People think that being the manager of this Club is something glamorous, the dream job, but it's not: actually it's exhausting. I'm responsible for 100 employees, I have to keep a five-story building in perfect condition, there're two bars and restaurants that have to offer food and drinks to hundreds of people every day, I'm an event planner that has to deal with flower shops, liquor distributors and hot-tempered chefs. I'm also the manager of a hospital since everything must be perfectly sanitized and you wouldn't believe how difficult is to remove the stains from the upholstery. In addition to this, I have to get dressed, get my hair done and get my make-up done like I'm stepping on the red carpet every day... and I do all those things 24/7. I barely have time to eat, some days I don't even have time to sleep and some others I collapse on that couch. I can't have a relationship with anyone, I don't have time to go out for a dinner and dancing date, to go on holiday with my partner, I don't have time to play the submissive girl in one of the private rooms for hours... I can't leave everything all of a sudden because you're calling me." And I can't lose my heart because it's the only one I have and it's going to hurt like hell when you get bored of me and leave me for another girl... but I'm not saying that out loud.

"I understand that. I have to go to interviews, sign autographs, pose for photo shoots, film movies, I have wardrobe fittings and make-up tests, attend several events and my DJ gigs all over the world. And I can't leave all that behind all of a sudden because you're calling me. Some months I spend more time on a plane than in my home, okay? I know what having a work ethic and a crazy schedule means. But sometimes I have free time and if you have it too... I don't see why we can't spend it together. Just like that, no pressure..."

Ruby stays still sitting on the couch, talking with a restrained tone of voice and looking at me with her sparkling eyes like a snake, hypnotizing me... what she's saying makes sense actually, it's very tempting and causes butterflies fluttering in my stomach because my brain sees an opportunity of getting what I want... but in the other hand part of my brain wants to run away from here very fast, come back to Spain and pretend that this has never happened and I don't have an uncle Martin. Silence falls over the office like a paving slab and my heavy breathing is the only thing that can be heard.

"Iselen, talk to me... I can't read your mind." She never leaves the couch getting closer to me, she doesn't put pressure on me or imposes herself on me and she's not trying to take advantage of her beauty or her naughty smirk. She stays still so I can make a calmed and considered decision. And I'm grateful for that... any other Dom would be using all the weapons she has to get what she wants.

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