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Two powerful painkillers and a good night's sleep... well, I haven't been able to sleep 4 straight hours and I've been crying nonstop but I feel better, my head is clearer and I could think carefully about the decisions I took and things that happened. I'm angry obviously, there's no valid excuse to justify what Ruby did to me: I should go to a hospital right now and then to the police station with a medical report. I'd ruin her life and her career... and I'd draw too much attention to me and the Club. I can't do that to my uncle's business... Besides, somehow I feel this is also my fault although my punishment has been disproportionate: I lied to her and not only that, but I hit a weak point directly... her worst fear... There's nothing a Dom fear more than the lack of control and Ruby wasn't able to control what she was saying while I was lurking in the dark, she has no idea how much I know about her or about her innermost thoughts and fondest desires that she only told her closer friends. Actually, I don't know that much since I stopped spying on her long time ago... but she's not aware of that...

I should've told her about the corridors before but I assumed that she'd think I was spying on her to take advantage of the information in order to get closer to her... exactly what's happened, in fact. Although I've never imagined that she'd go crazy... Knowing what I know about her and her past relationships after reading some tabloids I understand that she's feeling betrayed: Ruby Rose doesn't like when people lie to her, loyalty is probably the feature she values the most. And I failed at that miserably... The doorbell ringing brings me back to reality, it must be the car I asked for to the Cub... I'm in no condition to drive today, in fact I'm in no condition to sit down behind the wheel but I have to go to work.

Spending one hour in a vehicle when you can't find a comfortable position is really hard and I end up twisted on the back seat leaning on my hip while trying to explain the driver that I'm not sitting on a wasp nest but I have sciatica instead and the pain of my back doesn't allow me to sit straight. The poor man believed me and he's given me some home remedies that work for his wife. The torture continues at my office because it's painfully obvious that I can't sit down at my desk as I usually do and I have to take my phone and stacks of papers to the floor next to the couch and work lying on my belly while barking orders to my shocked staff that have no idea what in the world has gotten into me today.

After wolfing down a chocolate and cream waffles breakfast high on calories and another painkiller I feel way better and everything goes well in the Club apparently, no problems worth mentioning so I can relax a little while I check my emails and SM accounts... No sign of Ruby, she hasn't posted anything since yesterday lunchtime and her fans are starting to wonder what she's doing... I wonder that too. I'd like to phone her and yell at her that she's nuts... and also tell her that I'm sorry because I lied to her... and demand an apology because she hurt me... and then I'd like to try again and save our relationship somehow. I miss her but I think I'd better wait for a few days and let things cool down a little. She's still very furious probably and it'd be hopeless to try to reason with her. My office phone rings startling me and I extend my arm to take it grimacing when I feel my buttock skin tensed.

"What's the matter now?"

"I'm sorry, Lady." Brandon answers kindly, he knows that I'm not at my best mood right now. "I need you to come downstairs to the bar, it's important..."

"Yes, of course... I'll be there in 5 minutes..." That's my usual answer although sometimes it takes more time for me to get dressed and put on some makeup... but no today, I'm sick of dolling myself up just because the members of this Club are going to see me for some minutes. I don't feel like dressing elegantly right now so I pick out a plain black tracksuit, black sneakers and I put my hair up in a pony tail hiding it under my hood. When I stare at my reflection in the mirror I realize that I look like a badass guy from a dangerous neighbourhood with my dark hood over my head almost covering my eyes... It's better this way, my dark circles could scare some moneybags and they could think that they're running into a zombie through the Club corridors.

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