FIFTEEN (Iselen P.O.V)

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"Come on, come on, come on..." Ruby jumps enthusiastically on the passenger's seat and I can't help laughing when I see her behaving like a kid: she's been thrilled with the idea since the moment I offered her to come with me on a two-day trip to see the new organic farm that supplies veggies for the Club.

"This is the closest thing to a vacation that I'm going to have in a long time," she explained to me. The truth is that her career goes really well and she has a full schedule of public appearances ahead but she's decided to take two days off in order to relax and to recharge positive energy: no better place to do so that Humboldt county, surrounded by beautiful forests and mountains. After a two-hour flight on a smaller plane than the ones we use to take, we arrived to Arcata airport where a rented SUV was already waiting for us. I looked for some road maps of the county and I know exactly how to get to the farm and the house I booked to spend the night, besides locating other attractions in the surrounding area. According to my new veggie supplier being out of range is perfectly normal in the mountains and some forest areas, Ruby was delighted with the idea of being offline for some hours although it'd be a shame if we have to waste our time trying to find our way back to the main road while dodging bears... luckily they're about going to sleep at this time of year. In fact, the need to wear a thick jacket and use extra blankets in bed is another thing that made Ruby smile like crazy. "It's too hot in LA sometimes..." she whispered.

"The farm is really close, it'll only be a 30 minute drive." My Mistress nods happily while looking at the green landscape through the window. To be honest I also needed a break and be away from the Club for a few days, despite the fact that my workload has been reduced considerably there're still tons of things I have to take care of and my perfectionism and obsession for control forces me to check other people's work frequently. On the other hand, I'm terribly curious to see how we're going to live these two days away from our familiar surroundings.

My organized mind of archivist has been trying to place Ruby in the right category and has finally come to the conclusion that she adjusts her manners and attitude to the people with whom she's treating, her sub included... that's me... but she can also adapt to the environment, for example she always uses a respectful tone when speaking to me in the public areas of the Club like other members do but she turns dominant in my office, like she wants to show me that she can make me whine like a puppy with little effort despite I'm the Lady. She's playful and loving at home, passionate and intense sometimes, always showing a hint of dominance that seems to be part of her character but slightly softened. Our relationship is getting stronger every day, more... normal... even if we don't go out to the cinema or restaurants like other couples do, Netflix and popcorn has become the ideal evening for us.

It's been ten days since the dungeon episode and my buttocks are back to their usual state, without bruises than can remind me the punishment, but we haven't played in the Club again despite she knows that I'm not against it now. My heart jumps in my chest every time she comes into my office thinking that maybe it's going to be the day she'll drag me through the corridors to the vegan room and I think she knows it... she likes to keep me on the edge, building the tension little by little inside me, but she's taking things easy and she hasn't even put pressure on me in order to kick my ass out of my comfort zone lately, she's just played with ropes in light bondage sessions and she's given me one orgasm after another till I begged for mercy. Keeping me in limbo is an amusing game for her judging by her mischievous smiles.

"This place's beautiful... look at all those flowers..." Ruby jumps out of the car the moment I park it in front of a building made of red wood with a white sign above the door that says: Redwood farm. The sky is clear and the view of the mountains around the valley is breath taking. I fill my lungs with clean air that doesn't smell of exhaust fumes... this is wonderful.

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