NINE (Iselen P.O.V)

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"Why did I have to do something so silly? I just leant my hand on her shoulder for fucks shake!" I think furious for the umpteenth time when I notice the eyes and whispers following me. Apparently, my relationship with Ruby Rose is the most interesting thing that has happened in the Club for weeks and everybody is talking about it. Two members even dared to make salacious jokes about it in my presence and I had to answer harshly in order to show them that I won't tolerate insubordination in my Club. But of course the only thing I've managed to achieve is to excite their horny imagination even more: what is Ruby Rose doing to tame the cold and rigid manager? I can't help rolling my eyes hard while walking to the parking lot and hopping into my car. This isn't about what she does but about what I give voluntarily to her, however some of them don't understand it yet.

I've obeyed her orders focusing on my job instead of thinking about what's going to happen today. I've delegated some of my work and now Brandon is in charge of the bars and restaurants and Beth will do the same with the cleaning staff, I'll just monitor them from time to time to check if everything goes as it should. This will alleviate greatly my workload leaving just the paperwork, however I've delegated some of it too... actually, I was doing part of my tax advisor work and paying him for nothing. I've been very productive these past two days and, even if I worked hard, I'm feeling more relaxed and relieved.

I've also obeyed her not touching myself and I'm going to her house directly from the Club although that makes me feel dirty: I would've preferred to go home and change my clothes first, take off these elegant red pants and white shirt and wear something more casual and comfortable, or at least I should've had a shower in my office. I've been running from here to there all day long, my ponytail is a mess and my make-up is all mushed... At least I'm wearing a pretty set of white lace underwear. I park in front of her house and I get out of my car swallowing hard... all right, let's go.

A chorus of barks welcome me after knocking at the door. Oh my, I forgot about her pets... A wide smile spreads across my face and I bend down the moment she opens the door to let Ru licking my face and Charlie sniffing me before I can pet them, Chance comes behind them dragging her hind legs on the floor and I take her in my arms laughing while standing straight again.

"All right, I see where I'm positioned in your list of priorities." Ruby's amused tone of voice shows me that she isn't really angry with me: actually, she's smiling delighted with the welcome her pets gave me while she's leaning on the door wearing sweatpants and an oversize T-shirt.

"I'm sorry," I whisper leaving Chance on the floor again and I bend forward to kiss her soft cheek. She turns her face at the last moment and her lips graze mines gently. I can't help but sigh...

"You smell of dog," we both burst into laughing and she steps back to let me in. Her kitchen and living room are big and there're pictures, souvenirs of her trips to Asia, empty bottles of vegan drinks on the counter and dog toys everywhere. This isn't the cold house of a celebrity decorated by an interior designer that's always impeccable clean. It's pretty obvious that Ruby lives here. "Do you want to eat something? A drink, maybe?" I shake my head biting my lips and looking around, I couldn't eat a bite now since I have a knot in my stomach. "You're nervous Iselen, I told you to relax."

"I've done it!" I assure her looking at her face. "It's just that I would've liked to... go home and change my clothes..." My shirt clings to my back due to the thin layer of sweat I got during the drive here sitting on the leather seat of my car. I pinch the fabric between two fingers and pull it away from my skin with disgust.

"Follow me," Ruby guides me through a corridor till we arrive to her bedroom. This is a real place like the rest of the house, where she lives and sleeps, there're clothes on a chair and the grey duvet and red cushions are wrinkled because the dogs have slept on top of them. She takes my bag and lets it drop on the chair, she starts unbuttoning my shirt grazing my bare skin with her knuckles. I remain still like a doll while she undresses me, takes my shoes and pants off and undoes my ponytail. She tangles her fingers in my hair and massages my scalp, relieving my headache; I sigh delighted and she holds my head to kiss me, thrusting her tongue deeply into my mouth although she keeps her motions slow and sweet. My muscles get relaxed against her body... which is exactly what she wanted, judging by the way she chuckles when she pulls away.

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