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"No, no, no... Are you crazy?"

"It's tradition, it's considered bad luck for the bride to stumble over the threshold..."

"It'll be the worst luck if you stumble over and we both fall on the floor... I'm too tall for you to do this..."

"Okay, it's done and we've survived... Welcome home..."

I shake my head amused while laughing and removing my jacket and my high-heeled shoes, I can't help moaning relieved when my bare feet touch the hardwood floor, and Ruby chuckles behind me. My wife lets her keys drop on the side table of the entrance hall and walks towards the living room dodging our suitcases that are ready and waiting leaned on the wall before kicking her shoes off and removing the white jacket too. Her crop top with silver sequins highlights her slender figure and her colourful tattoos, the sunset light coming through the windows makes her eyes and the new gold ring on her hand sparkle... I hold my breath staring at her entranced, I can't believe she's mine finally.

"Babe... Iselen..." I blink, coming out of my trance. "Are you okay? Does your shoulder hurt? Do you need a painkiller?" My girl looks at me anxiously and gets closer worried.

"I'm fine, I promise, it's been a month and the doctor said I'm perfectly all right. Calm down and give a glass of water... I think I drank too much champagne..."

"I told you to take it easy..." she answers while opening one of the kitchen cabinets. We've decided to live in her house, despite it's slightly further away from downtown LA, because the area covered with lawn in her backyard is bigger and the dogs love it. My uncle wanted to give me his house as a wedding present because he doesn't really need it and will travel back to France soon but I refused it although I'll keep the keys just in case.

"Do you think we're doing the right thing?" I ask before drinking the fresh water and sighing. Ruby flops down on the couch and pats the cushion next to her before putting her arm over my shoulder and kissing my cheek.

"I think you had the best idea ever although I would've liked to take you to Paris, take you dinner and kneel down in front of the Eiffel Tower with a huge diamond for you..."

"I don't like huge diamonds..." I reply leaving the glass on the coffee table.

"I know but I wanted to do something romantic, I don't want you to tell our children how I proposed in a BDSM club before a crazy guy shot you..."

"Children?" I straighten my back staring at her in shock.

"It was a figure of speech..." she answers laughing.

"Sure, it was..." I look at her again with suspicion before relaxing again next to her, leaning my head on her shoulder. "We can travel to Paris for our first anniversary."

"All right and in the meantime we make up for the lack of romantic proposal celebrating three weddings: one in the Club, a more traditional one in Spain and another one on the beach in my home of Australia. Coming back from his retirement and taking care of the business during the month we'll be travelling was very nice of your uncle..."

"Yes although it's not a very busy period, there aren't big events planned and I've left the bar and kitchen well-stocked with supplies before leaving... We had no other choice, I'm afraid: some members of the Club would never forgive us if we get married abroad and we don't celebrate a party here... even if it was just a small one..."

"Small? What are you talking about? It's been a perfect wedding, you have found two stunning matching pantsuits, the pool terrace was packed with white roses and delicate crystal ornaments, food was amazing and even some sirloin steak addicts have admitted that vegan canapes were delicious, pistachio rosewater cake is my new obsession forever, Brandon popped off champagne corks nonstop, that swing band was really nice and it's been years since a party didn't gather almost all the members. I had the time of my life: we've laughed, danced and taken pictures with all our friends and my pets wearing mini tuxedos... and you planned this in two weeks, after leaving the hospital and while working at the same pace as you usually do in the Club. I hope the Australian wedding is at least as good and beautiful as this one..."

"I can assure you that the Spanish one will be great but you're in charge of the third one... Are you worried you won't be up to the task, Mistress?" I ask with a mocking tone of voice and my girl's face changes, she stares at me with squinty eyes... and I swallow hard, scared all of a sudden. Ruby has taken good care of me for the past month and has been extremely nice because of my wound and I may have taken advantage of the situation to be a little more insolent than before, but I don't think she'll let me keep this attitude much longer. A spanking session wouldn't be the ideal wedding night...

"It'll be a stunning and romantic celebration on the beach, you'll see."

"I'm absolute convinced of that," I answer kissing her cheek sweetly in order to soothe her fury and she smiles back at me. "Are you hungry?" My wife looks at me horrified. "I understand, there was too much food at the party... We better go to bed, our flight is really early tomorrow... Have you called Chris?"

"Yes, the dogs are fine. They adore him..."

"Ruby, what have you done?" I look around in shock: vases full of red roses, petals on the white sheets, candles lighting up the room, heart-shaped balloons, a box of chocolates on the nightstand, a bottle of champagne...

"Get undressed." Her Mistress' voice echoes against the walls making my skin crawl. I look at her hesitating because I don't know if I want my wedding night, or the first one of the three parties I'll have, becoming a BDSM session but Ruby clenches her jaw and fixes her eyes on me. My hands move involuntarily and start unbuttoning my pants slowly, my Lady monitors me with her arms crossed over her chest till she raises her hand in an abrupt gesture to stop me. She runs one of her fingers along the hem of my new bra gently, I bought it especially for this night, and she smiles. "Really beautiful... now get rid of it and lie down on the bed... spread eagle..."

I obey her lying on my back on the petals, with my arms and legs spread cautiously due to my injured shoulder, and I wait staring at the ceiling while my heart races the same way it does every time she doesn't tell me her plans, I try to catch a glimpse out of the corner of my eye but the only thing I can see is her shadow on a wall and I think she's getting undressed too, letting her clothes drop on a chair. The mattress moves when she kneels down between my legs and I jolt slightly when I feel her hand touching my skin slowly, her fingertips are tickling me, and suddenly I feel something cold around my ankle that makes me grit my teeth. Ruby lifts my leg and leans my foot on her shoulder but keeps caressing me, I frown confused... what the hell is she doing?

"Iselen, look at me..." I obey her fixing my eyes on her pretty face while she smiles mischievously before tilting her head to one side to kiss my ankle, I open my mouth surprised...

"Oh my God! Is that real?" I stare fascinated at the anklet made of gold links that looks like a fetter, only more beautiful, and it's tied to the leg of her bed with a long golden chain. Ruby nods in response.

"The anklet is made of gold, the clasp has diamonds and our entwined initials engraved..." She moves the jewel to show me. "The long chain is just costume jewellery..." she shrugs before asking slightly anxious. "Do you like it? I still think that a ring and a proposal in Paris was a better idea but it's summer in Australia right now and I thought you'd like to wear this in our third wedding..."

"I love it, I wouldn't change it for nothing in this world..." I cut her abruptly before looking at her pensively: I decide to sit down on the bed so I can take a closer look despite she hasn't given me permission, the skin of my buttock could be in danger right now... "I'd heard about collars, of course, but never heard about a possession anklet before..."

"I love you..." she whispers so quietly I can't almost hear her.

"I love you too..." I answer in the same quiet tone of voice. The candlelight creates shadows on her precious face, highlighting her jawline and turning her eyes into something out of a fairy tale. "What have I done to be so lucky?"

Ruby Rose shakes her head smiling amused while putting my foot back on the mattress before moving as fast as a snake and kissing me, shoving me till I fall back on the bed, her torso hoovers over mine, her tongue goes deep in my mouth and she sticks her body to mine like she wants to melt her flesh with my own skin. I kiss her back enthusiastically till the pressure on my wounded shoulder tears a moan from my throat, my Lady pulls away immediately and she tangles her fingers in my hair gently in order to kiss me carefully. Her lips meet mines once...

"My girl..." She whispers before grazing my mouth again. "My especial sub..." A new kiss, light as the touch of a feather... "My wife..." Her tongue rubs mine and her fingers grab my hair harder. "Mine..."


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