Destination Love-Chapter Eighteen

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"Now, you still can't put weight on it, but this brace will be easier to work with." 

Taylor studied Jason, not sure if he was serious or not. Her gaze moved to the brace he had just strapped to her leg. It was half the length of the last one, only going from mid-thigh to mid-calf. Hinges on the sides allowed for her leg to bend. "Are you sure it's safe for me to bend my knee?" 

"Yes, Taylor I'm sure." 

Still unsure, Taylor slowly bent her knee upward. She gasped as pain shot up her leg, "Oh, No. That's not good." 

"The muscles need time." Jason explained, "You aren't going to be able to do it all at once. Try moving your ankle." 

She bent her ankle slowly, stopping as the pain again shot up her leg. "Oh, no. Uh, that's not good either." 

"Like I said, it will take time. Your leg has to get used to being allowed to move." 

"You're sure this is safe?" 

Jason heaved an exasperated sigh, "Yes, Taylor, I'm sure. I wouldn't allow you to do this, if I weren't completely confident that this is safe." 

"Okay, fine." Taylor pushed her hair back and leaned back on the bed. Moving her leg as little as possible. She pushed the button for more morphine. "When can I go home?" 

"Well, I see no reason why you can't go home today. As long as you still use the crutches. No weight on your leg." 

"What about this?" Taylor put a hand over her stomach wound. "Won't it pull when I'm using the crutches." 

"Let's get all these tubes removed, and get you on your feet. I'll cover it. That should prevent pulling it." 

Taylor watched him leave. She thought of calling Alex to ask him if this was right, but decided against it. He had made his decision. He either trusted Jason enough to put her in his care, or he didn't care how she was cared for. 

She picked up her phone, and dialed a number. "Hi, Sam, it's Taylor." 

"Well, Taylor. I heard you weren't doing so good. How are you feeling?" 

"Much better, Sam. Thanks." Taylor already felt better just talking to the trusted doctor. "Um, I need your advice." 

"Sure, kid, anything for you." 

"What is a MRSA infection?" 

"Oh, that's a bad one." Dr. Sam replied. "It is a vicious infection that spreads quickly, is contagious, and doesn't react to most antibiotics. Is that what you had?" 

"Yes, there was a wound on my stomach, it got infected and evolved into a MRSA." 

"That can happen easily if it isn't properly taken care of. It's a Staph infection that can live on any surface. What caused the wound?" 

"A tree branch. I fell down a cliff." 

"Good Lord, did you just have the cut?" 

"No, I broke my lower leg in several pieces." 

"Well, thank goodness you waited to do that until after I was gone. I don't think I could have done much with that." 

Taylor laughed, "Oh, please, you're still a great doctor. I miss you." 

"Yeah, I'm sure you do. I haven't heard anything from you in months." 

"Well, I've spent the last six weeks in a coma so..." 

"It was that bad, huh?" 

"Alex said they had to put me under to allow my body to fight off the infection." 

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