Destination Love-Chapter Thirteen

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The pain woke her. She jerked awake, and grasped at the brace. The muscles in her lower calf were constricting in a massive muscle cramp. An involuntary cry burst from her throat, "Oh, God." 

Alex came rushing in carrying Mason who was in only his diaper. "What's wrong?" 

Taylor struggled to sit up, "My hurts...Cramp." She bit down on her lip to keep from screaming as the pain intensified and the muscles around the broken bone constricted.  

Chloe and Ava, in states of undress, rushed into the room, "What's wrong?" Chloe asked. 

Alex thrust his son into his eldest daughters arms. "It's just a leg cramp." Alex told her, "Finish getting ready for school." 

The girls left, and Alex hurried over to the bed. "It's okay. It'll pass." 

Taylor bit down on her knuckle to keep from crying out again. "Oh, God, it hurts like hell." She ground out. 

"I know. It'll pass." He climbed onto the bed, and pulled her into his arms. "Just concentrate on relaxing your muscles." 

The pain finally began to recede, Alex released her. She reached for her pain killers, and downed one with a bottle of water. "Holy shit." She laid back, trying to keep her leg perfectly still. The pain was gone, but the muscles were still tense.

"Here." Chloe returned carrying a fully clothed Mason, she grinned as she laid him next to Taylor on the bed. "He'll make you feel better." 

Taylor grinned down at the gurgling baby, "Good Morning, little man." He stuck his fist in his mouth and kicked his feet. 

Ava hurried in with a formula bottle, and jumped up on the bed, "Here's Mason's bottle." Her foot slapped against Taylor's brace, as she leaned over on her knees. 

Taylor jerked slightly, "Thank you, sweetie." Her voice was tight, filled with pain. "Are you ready for school?" 

"Ava, don't bounce on the bed." Alex stood, and moved to push the wheelchair closer to the side of the bed. 

"Yes," Ava said as though her father hadn't spoken. She grinned, and stood on the bed, "Do you like my new dress?" 

Taylor took in the pink top, and shorts which were disguised as a skirt. "Very pretty." 

"Daddy bought it for me." The little girl bounced down on her knees, jostling the bed. 

"Oh, honey." Taylor stifled a gasp, "Try not to bounce the bed, okay?" 

Ava's eyes got big, she covered her mouth with her hand, "I'm sorry." She whispered, "I forgot." 

"It's okay." Taylor leaned over and kissed her forehead before going back to feed Mason. 

Alex climbed off the bed, "Come on, kiddo. It's about time to catch the bus." 

Ava carefully climbed off the bed, and hurried out of the room. 

"I swear I'm invisible." Alex said with a shake of his head, "Do you need anything?" Alex asked. 

"A shower." 

He laughed, "Uh, well. I'll see what I can do." 

"Come on, Alex, I haven't showered in three days, I'm sticky and gross." 

"I get it. But the cast and brace can't get wet." 

"Can't I cover them with plastic or something?" 

"I'll see what I can do. Alright?" 

"Fine." Taylor watched him leave with the girls, a moment later, the front door opened. 

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