Destination Love-Chapter Twenty-Three

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She was exhausted.

Taylor rubbed her temples in an attempt to rid herself of the headache that was throbbing there. She put the final stitch on the Superhero costume, and draped it over a hanger before crossing the room to hang it on the rack with the thirty others she had finished. 

"Almost there." She murmured to Buddy has he followed along at her heels. "The other six are almost done." She pulled her shawl tighter around her shoulders and stifled a sneeze. "Okay, time to take a nap." 

Her phone began buzzing as she descended the stairs and entered her bedroom. "Hey, Opal." She answered before sneezing again. 

"Well, I guess that tells me how you're feeling." 

"Oh, just dandy." Taylor grabbed a tissue to blow her nose. "What's up?" 

"I've sent someone over with a box of stuff for you to review." 

"Alright. Schedule someone to pick it up on Monday morning. I'll make sure it's ready." 

"Got it." 

"Any luck on finding a new consultant?" 

"We've had a few applicants. But I don't think you'd like any of them. Not enough experience." 

"Any luck on locating my mother?" 

"No. None." 

"Where the hell did she go?" 

"Do you want me to contact the police?" 

"No, I don't think she's in any danger. She just doesn't want to talk to me." 

"Has she communicated with anyone else?" 

"She talks to Daisy on Sunday's." 

Opal sighed, "Well, at least you know she's safe." 

"I just wish she'd come back to work." Taylor climbed into bed, and pulled the covers up to her chin. "She knows how busy this place is going to be during the Holidays." 

"I'll find someone." 

"Thanks, Opal, you're a life saver." 

"Just feel better. I know there's nothing worse than a cold." 

"Yeah." Taylor hung up and dropped the phone on the night table. Her gaze moved to the window where the dim light was shining through. Rain was pounding against the window. "Another fall storm." She groaned and pulled another blanket up over her. "This is getting old." 

She rolled over to face away. Buddy scratched against the blanket, and whined. "Oh, Buddy, you need to go out?" 

He whined again. 

"Alright." She pushed the covers back and reluctantly climbed out of bed. With another blanket draped over her shoulders, she opened the backdoor and settled on the rocking chair while Buddy did his business. 

She heard the front door open, "Taylor!" 

"Out back." She called. 

Chloe stepped through the back door. "Hey, what are you doing in the cold?" 

"I could ask you the same thing," Taylor said after a sneezing fit, "Buddy needed to go." 

"He's going to be nice and wet." 

Taylor laughed, "Yup." She turned to the teenager, "How's school?" 

Chloe sighed and plopped down in the other chair, "Okay. I don't think I like high school." 

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