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Frowning, Cameron took the phone away from his ear before glancing at Yasmine then pressing his ear back to the phone.. He had turned a bright red in the face as Yasmine walked away while shaking her head ..

"Chloe, when this happen ?" He asked, his voice was calm but Yasmine knew he was anything but ..

"The night we were in Atlanta and he stayed back at the hotel with that girl, we were talking and he offered me a drink.. said he wouldn't tell you .. after a few sips I felt dizzy but he told me that was normal and to drink it all .. I didn't drink all of it but I was still out of it.. the next day I didn't remember what happened, I felt sore down there but I didn't remember anything so I didn't think too deep into it .. I figured my cycle was about to start .. I didn't remember for a while, until one day all of it just came to me at once .. but I never said nothin .." She said

"Let me call you back .." Cameron said

"Dadd-" Before she could say anything else he had disconnected the call

Looking back at Cameron Yasmine folded her arms across her chest ..

"So while you offering me out to that son of a bitch he was going behind your back fuckin your underaged daughter ?" She asked staring him in the eyes .. tears were falling while she talked and Cameron could feel her anger from across the room

"Come here .." He said

"Fuck you Cameron, how about you go and put a bullet in that bitches head before I do .." She replied seething in anger

Cameron had a straight face as he pulled his gun from his back ..

"Stay back here" He said

"You do realize he fucked me too right ? Raw ? And I had sex with CJ .. lucky for you we haven't been fucking .. so what the fuck does that mean ? I got the shit too !!" She said

"You don't got nothin Yas, Carolyn checked you already remember..?" He asked

"You think that's supposed to make me fuckin feel better ? My daughter who didn't ask for none of this has the virus.. that we basically introduced to her because if we weren't living this fuckin lifestyle Cameron the shit wouldn't have happened!! That's my baby, I wish it was me rather than her .. I'll never forgive you for this bullshit and I won't ever forgive myself for going in that court room to testify on your behalf .. my daughter was at her safest with just me !! She never needed you, I never needed you .. I hate I ever met you .. you can really burn in Hell Cameron .." Staring him directly in his eyes she meant every word and he felt every word

Nodding, he couldn't do nothin but accept it ..

Sighing, he looked past her "Stay back here .."

Walking away he went back to the front of the boat, his mind was in a million places at once .. but mainly with Chloe.. she had her whole life ahead of her and there she was paying for his mistakes..

They always said karma was a bitch, but he wasn't made a believer until that moment..

"Yo, everything good damn?" Jason asked as Cam came around the corner

He had his arm wrapped around the waist of some bitch he brought home from the party and was smiling .. which only made Cameron more pissed ..

"You raped my daughter ?" He asked

Frowning, Jason looked surprised as he pointed to himself "You talkin to me ?" He asked

"Who the fuck else am I talkin to ?" Cam said stepping closer to him .. this time pulling out his gun..

"Nigga get the fuck out of here with that bullshit, you know damn well I ain't touched Chloe .. the fuck you on ?" He asked as he took his shot to the head ..

He was no longer smiling..

"So what you saying ? My daughter lyin? She pregnant.." He yelled

"Not by me .. that bitch Yasmine probably feeding Chloe some bullshit to say to cause problems between us .. I told you that hoe was gonna be our down fall .. as soon as she got a problem with somebody she tells you and you be ready to kill everybody in the damn room for the bitch!!" He said as he sat down..

Raising his gun Cameron pointed it right at Jason's head .. "Yeap, just like right now .." He said

Laughing, Jason fanned him off .. "You need a drink bro, sit down and chill" He replied


Everybody heard the shot but nobody was expecting it .. Jason was still in his chair as he held his stomach to try and stop the bleeding, but it was coming out faster than he could keep it in ..

"This ain't no laughing matter bitch .." Cameron said as he stepped closer .. "You fucked the wrong one this time bruh .." He said, this time aiming at his head he watched as Jason's eyes grew bigger ..


Jason's body went flying off the side of the boat and into the water ..

Everybody else stood by watching in fear ..

"Somebody clean this shit up .." He said

Then he heard Yasmine's voice ..

"Not yet,it's about to get a little more messier .." She said as she stared him and he stared down the barrel of her gun ..

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