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Sitting at the edge of Cameron's desk with her legs crossed Yasmine smirked as she watched Justin's eyes roll to the back of his head.. Red was on her knees giving Justin the time of his life, just as Yasmine knew she would ..

"So, Justin ? We have a deal?" She asked as she slid down from Cam's desk landing on her maroon Christian Louboutins ..

Barely able to speak a word Justin opened his mouth but only a groan came out causing Yas to smile .. Walking behind the chair, she got as close to his ear as possible as she massaged his shoulders from behind ..

"Deal or no deal ?" She asked, seductively into his ear .. gently rubbing her lips against his ear on purpose ..

"Deal" He said, his voice barely a whisper

Yasmine wasted no time grabbing a pen from Cameron's desk .. and the contract she stole from the meeting .. placing it down on the glass table she handed the pen to him ..

"Sign .." She said

With no hesitation he grabbed the pen and signed the paper, followed by a moan as he dropped the pen back on to the table ..

Reaching for her hand he finally opened his eyes ..

"Care to join her ?!" He asked out of breath as he looked down at Red

Frowning, Yasmine was about to respond but the last person she expected to see busted in the door .. Chloe !!

Shocked, Yasmine just stared at her daughter for a second who was staring right back at her just as shocked as she was and her mouth was wide open !! Snapping back to reality, Yasmine jumped into action..

"Red !! Stop, leave !! Tell everybody I said get out right fuckin now !!" She said as she walked her way over to Chloe ..

"Why ?" She asked as she quickly came up from her knees

Glaring back at her, Yasmine wasn't in the mood for questions.. "Now !!" She yelled

Grabbing Chloe's arm, Yasmine drug her into the conjoining bathroom and closed the door ..

"Chloe what are you doing here ?!" She asked

"What am I doing here ?! Ma, what is you doing here ?! What is this ?! Is daddy here ?! Why .." Letting her voice trail off Chloe looked around confused ..

"Chloe !! Why are you here ?! Who told you to come here ?!" She asked again

"Where's daddy ?" Chloe asked calmly as she stepped away from Yasmine

Taking a step back Yasmine glared at her daughter as she crossed her arms across her chest ..

Chloe looked her mom up and down in disgust ..

Knowing what she may have been thinking Yasmine sat down in one of the chairs and sighed as she gathered her thoughts .. but before she could say anything she heard Cameron walk into the other room she could hear his voice but he couldn't see them yet ..

"Yas, why you got everybody leaving ? What the fuck goin -" He stopped once he laid eyes on Chloe ..

"You're here too ?!" Chloe asked

Glancing at Yas who had her head buried in her hands he looked back at his daughter..

"Chloe what you doin here ?" He asked

"Why do y'all keep asking me that ?!" She yelled in frustration "Its a fuckin sex party goin on right outside of those doors but y'all are asking me questions!!" She yelled

"Watch your mouth !!" Yasmine said as she stood up

"And you !! What were you doing ?!" Pointing at her mother Chloe looked her up and down again ..

Sighing, Yas started to explain "Nothing !! I swea-" Cutting her off Chloe through her hands up

"Nevermind !! I don't wanna know, Can I go home ?" She asked looking at Cameron

"Chloe, we need to talk !!" Yasmine said

"About what mama ? Why there's a orgy going on inside of our penthouse and why I walked in on - You know what ?! Forget it !!" She said as she sat down ..

Staring at her Yasmine finally looked up at Cameron for help..

"Yasmine, come here .." Cam said as he headed outside of the bathroom

Following, Yasmine was in tears by the time they made it outside of his office ..

"What did she see ?" Cam asked

"I wasn't doing nothing !! Red was on her knees giving Justin a bj when Chloe walked in .. I had just got him to sign the fuckin contract when she walked in !!" She yelled slamming her hand against the door

"Calm down !!" Cam said

"Calm down ?! Cameron OUR daughter just walked in on a whole bunch of shit she does not need to be seeing at her age !! We're talking sex, and drugs Cameron !! And not little drugs .. we got every one you can think of around this bitch and she seen it !! We should've been done with this bullshit when she was born and this shit would've never happened !!" She yelled into his face .. "You didn't see how she looked at me Cam !! How am I gonna explain to her what she saw ?!" Yasmine asked

Cameron could hear her heartbreaking in her voice and even he had to admit he didn't know where to begin with fixing the situation before him ..

"It's my fault .. I'll handle it alright .." he said as he looked at Yasmine

Now wiping her eyes she sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair .. "I'm done !! I'm out !!" She said as she sat on the floor ..

Walking back into the bathroom in his office Cameron looked at Chloe as she sat there in her phone .. when she heard her dad walk back in the room she looked up ..

"Can I go home now ?!" She asked calmly

"Naw, come into my office .." he said

Sighing Chloe rolled her eyes as she got up and followed Cam into his office .. Sitting down she glared at Cam as he sat next to her ..

"Who told you to come up here ?" Cam asked

"I asked Uncle Jason where y'all were, and he told me !!" She said still looking in her phone

Snatching her phone away from her Cameron turned her face towards him ..

"Look at me .." he said

"What was mama doing in there with that woman and man ?" She asked

"It wasn't what you thinking Chlo" he said

"Well what was it ?!" She asked

Sighing, Cameron wasn't ready for this discussion "We'll y'all about this at home, go find your mama !!" He said standing up

"I'm not going with her !!" She frowned

"Chloe, go !! I'll be home in a minute !!" He demanded

Getting up, she mumbled as she made her way out of his office ..

Shaking his head he dreaded the conversation they would have to have, and he knew it was basically all his fault ..

But first he had to deal with Jason ..





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