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Cameron watched as the numbers on the elevator changed as he made his way up to the 23rd floor were Jason was, he knew his long time friend had to have been expecting him ..

Walking off the elevator and into Jason's foyer, he unbuttoned his cufflinks as he watched Jason smirk from the other side of the room..

Sipping from a glass filled with Hennessy he was unbothered ..

Sitting near by was Chris, who already knew what was about to happen..

"You was in on that stunt too ?!" Cam asked Chris as he rolled up his button up ..

"Fuck naw, that shit between you and him !!" Chris replied already slightly buzzed he then took another shot ..

Laughing, Jason shook his head "It wasn't personal !! Relax Cam, I just had to get that lil smart mouth bitch of yours back !! She always talking cash money shit .." Sitting his glass down he glared at Cameron but Cameron wasted no time jumping right into action ..

Punching Jason in his nose, they both started fighting in the middle of the living room ..

Still sipping from his glass Chris didn't bother to try to stop them, even he had to admit Jason had that ass whooping coming ..

Punching Cam in the jaw, Jason wasn't going down without a fight ..

Throwing Jason threw the glass balcony door, Chris stood up as they made their way outside .. Not long after Cam had Jason pressed against the edge..

"Aight yo, time for y'all to chill now !! Let that nigga up Cam!!" He said standing from the now broken door ..

"Jason, if you ain't learned by now I suggest you do right here right now !! Don't fuck with nothin that's mine .. especially not my fuckin daughter !!" Punching him one last time Cam released him letting him fall to the ground ..

Laughing in a drunken rage Jason just laid on the ground ..

"Chloe gonna be just like her mama !!" Jason spat

Without hesitation Cameron drew his gun, pointing it at Jason's head ..

"He drunk Cam, let that shit go !!" He said taking the gun away from Cameron

Jason laid there still laughing ..

Wiping some lingering blood away from his lip Cameron headed to the elevator.. pressing the button he rolled his sleeves back down..

"Chris, let me holla at you .." He said as he stepped on the elevator ..

Following Chris stepped on as well pressing the button for the 1st floor, leaving Jason up in his penthouse..

"Remember what I told you about Chloe ?" Cameron asked already knowing Chris knew exactly what he was talking about ..

"Yeah, what about it ?" Chris asked

"Thanks to that punk ass bitch up there she know about shit she shouldn't .. so what better time than now ?" He asked

Glaring at his reflection in the mirror of the elevator, Cameron knew what he had to do .. the man staring back at him wasn't just a father, he was way more than that .. and it was about time his daughter met the other man inside of him !!

Wanting to keep Chloe as far away from the game as possible he knew he couldn't do it forever, he just didn't expect that day to come so fast where she would be introduced to it..

If Yasmine had her way, Chloe would never know about it ..

"You sure about that ?" Chris asked hesitant

"Positive !!" Cameron replied with confidence

"What you think Yas gonna have to say about it ?" Chris asked still skeptical

"I'll handle Yas .." Cameron replied

Nodding, Chris could tell Cam had made his mind up ..

One thing was for certain, Chloe was every bit of her mother !! The spitting image of Yasmine, they were almost like twins .. and Cameron knew that wasn't nothing but a curse !! Chloe was Cameron's weakness, his heart !! Knowing all too well what kind of world they were living in Cameron wasn't gonna just leave his heart out on the table for just anybody to play with ..

Stepping out of the elevator Cameron turned around one last time before walking away ..

I'll meet up with you here tomorrow .. and I'm bringing Chloe !!" He said then walked away ..


The ride back to their house was quiet.. neither Chloe or Yasmine spoke ..

Yasmine didn't even know where to begin with explaining what she saw, so she just didn't say anything at all ..

Once they made it to the house they both didn't waste anytime getting out of the truck and heading inside of the house ..

"Y'all are back early !!" Linda said as she came from around the corner ..

She stayed less than 15 minutes away and was always over ..

"So does she know ?" Chloe asked folding her arms across her chest ..

"Does she know what ?" Yasmine asked

"That you're a hoe.." She replied

"What you just say little girl ?" Linda asked as she glanced at Yasmine

But before Chloe could respond Yasmine cut in ..

"Hoe ?! Chloe, I understand your upset but don't think for one fuckin second I won't slap the fuckin taste out of your mouth !! Mad or naw you gonna fuckin show me some respect !! Or I'll lay your little ass flat out in this floor !!" She yelled

"You know what ? I used to wonder why when daddy used to tell you to do something you would just do it !! No questions asked, you did everything he told you to do !! He told you to jump, you asked how high !! All while he flashed you around in front of his friends like a damn trophy !! But I get it now .. because in so many words you were one !! Tell me what it is you really do .. ma !!" Chloe said

Shaking her head, Yasmine bit her lip as she walked over to Chloe .. The slap across Chloe's face came so quick neither one of them was expecting it ..

"Chloe, I know you're hurt !! But hoe or no hoe I'm your fuckin mama, and I will beat the hell out of you if you EVER talk to me like that again !!" Yasmine said through her teeth ..

With tears streaming down her face Chloe glared at her mom ..

"Do I make myself clear ?" Yas asked

Nodding, Chloe never said a word ..

"Go upstairs!!" She demanded

Watching as Chloe stormed off upstairs Yasmine and Linda both stood there still in shock ..

"What the hell was that about ?! She knows now ?" Linda asked

Nodding, Yasmine broke down into tears again ..

"How ?" Linda asked confused

"She showed up at the penthouse .. I don't know why she was even there .." Walking away Yasmine disappeared into the kitchen with Linda close behind her ..

"Cameron knows ?" She asked as she watched Yasmine pull out a bottle of Crown Apple

Nodding, Yasmine popped open the bottle "He should be on his way .." Taking the bottle to the head Yasmine took the biggest gulp she could

She was gonna need it ..




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