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When Yasmine woke up the sun was beaming in her face, her hair was all over her head, and she could feel the boat being rocked by the waves of the ocean .. which confused her, last she remembered she was on a plane. Looking around she noticed she was on Cameron's yacht, and right next to her he laid there ..

Staring at him Yasmine noticed his breathing was soft as he laid on his back, which meant he was awake .. after so many years of laying next to him she knew how he slept ..

Getting out of bed she headed into the bathroom, cutting the shower on she let the water run through her hair and down her body as she tried to gain her memory back from the night before ..

She didn't like to get that drunk but sometimes that was the only thing that kept her together..

Yasmine hadn't noticed she was so deep into her thoughts until the water began to run cold .. cutting the shower off she wrapped up in a towel and began to brush her teeth and wash her face ..

She had a few more days before this trip would be over and she would get to see Chloe, which meant she had a few more days left with Cameron ..

In a two piece white bikini with a fish net cover up on Yasmine stepped out the bathroom.. Cameron still laid there, this time only in a different position..

Making her way out of the room and on to the top deck, she could smell breakfast being made as she hit the corner into the kitchen where Yurry, their chef was cooking ..

"It smells good .." She said as she joined her next to the stove ..

"It's ready, if you're hungry .." She said in a thick Cuban accent, she had been Cameron's chef for years so her and Yasmine knew each other well .. they had had plenty of conversations over breakfast when Cameron wasn't around ..

"How about I help you get this table set up ?" Grabbing plates Yasmine began to prepare them .. she was half way done when Jason, CJ, Cameron, and Anthony made their way out the backrooms..

All of them except for Cameron had bitches with them, bitches she had never seen before, so more than likely they had just met them .. rolling her eyes she watched as they sat down, and she sat Cameron's plate in front of him .. looking her in her eyes, he never even said thank you as he picked up his phone and started doing something else..

Not knowing what his problem was she rolled her eyes and got a glass from the cabinet and listened to them start to talk ..

She stood at the refrigerator in her thoughts before pouring some orange juice.. placing the glass in front of Cameron she sat next to him..

"Why you not eating ?" He asked still in his phone

"Because I'm not hungry, I feel nauseous.." She said as she stared out into the ocean ..

"You need to eat .." Pushing his plate in front of her he sat his phone down "Now eat.." He demanded ..

Looking at him, she was confused on where the hostility was coming from ..

"Cameron I'm not hungry.." Standing up, she attempted to walk away but she didn't get far before Cameron snatched her by the arm again ..

Grabbing her by the neck and squeezing he pushed her into the table causing it to push everyone's plates ..

"Eat !!" He said again

"What is wrong with you ?" She asked as she stood to her feet, but Cameron didn't say anything this time he just grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her out of the kitchenette area where everybody else was looking in confusion as well ..

Grabbing her by the neck he pushed her towards the edge of the boat..

"You wanna play dumb, let me help you remember.." He said as he picked up some rope that was laying on the yachts floor ..

"What are you doing ?" She asked

Looking up at Yurry first she could see the fear in her eyes as well .. even Jason was looking confused as he stood up but CJ just sat there looking ..

"Yo, be careful with her .. she don't need no fuckin bruises on her tonight Cam.." Jason said as he sat down focusing on his food again

Grabbing her wrists, Cameron began tying them together "She won't have no bruises.. it's her mind that need some stimulation.." He said

Pushing her towards the edge of the boat he got as close to her ear as possible.. "Don't let your daughter get you into some shit you can't get out of .." He said

Instantly thinking of CJ she panicked ..

Pushing her into the water the last thing he heard was her scream, holding on to the rope he watched her struggle under the water .. she could swim but with her wrists tied together she couldn't do anything ..

Cameron sat on the edge of the boat with a smile on his face .. pulling her up for air he could see the fear written all on her face, only letting her come up for a few seconds he dropped her down again .. he had a point to make and he was making it ..

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