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⤠ lιғe вrιngѕ тнe υneхpecтed, вυт wнen ι cloѕe мy eyeѕ, ι ғeel ѕaғe wιтн yoυ ⤟

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Haeun's POV

I look anxiously ahead of me at the glass doors of the library. I'm unsure of the cause of my nervous state. I've been like this since the moment I talked to Jimin earlier today. But I know I have no reason to be. Jimin seems like a nice guy. I may not even object to trying to be friends with the guy.

It must be because I don't talk to many people at school.

Yeah...that's the only reasonable explanation for feeling this way.

I look down at my watch to see that it is 5:08. That is when I finally decide to walk into the building, after contemplating for about 5 minutes outside while gaining weird looks from those walking past me.

Inside, it is quite empty, only a few people sitting silently reading or doing school assignments.

He is one of those people.

With his blonde hair, he stands out like a sore thumb.

When he finally realizes my presence a few feet away from his table, he beckons me to come over with a wave of the hand. I give him a smile and hesitantly walk towards him.

I sit down next to him on the sofa behind the marble table, careful not to sit to close.

"So I got these example questions ready. Let's get started."


No matter how hard I try, I just can't focus. The moment I try to concentrate on solving the work in front of me, I feel my vision begin to blur as if my mind would subconsciously force me to focus on a blank spot on the sheet. So that everything else becomes a haze. And all the numbers become unreadable.

"Okay, let me try to explain it again."

He says this still with a smile. I'm surprised that he hasn't become frustrated with my inability to understand the material yet. That or he is hiding his annoyance with me very well.

"So basically, when you are doing an integral, it is kind of like doing the reverse of how you would solve for the derivative of an expression."

"Okay...and how exactly do you go about finding a derivative?" He doesn't say anything.

Yep, if he wasn't frustrated before he's definitely frustrated now.

"Maybe we should do something else, you're probably tired of working on this stuff."

I nod in agreement, thinking that maybe we would work on something a little easier.

But, instead, as the words leave his mouth, I see him getting closer and closer to me. It all seems to happen in slow motion, as he slowly begins to take up all of my vision, my eyes fixed only on his face.

He scoots over to sit closer to me on the sofa. He then reaches over me, placing his left hand on the cushion at the right of my leg. He's leaning in closer...

Is he going to kiss me? What's happening? I can't let him...What do I do?

"I have a boyfriend!" I blurt this out so quickly and suddenly even I am startled.

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