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Jimin's POV

"Hey Jimin what are you looking a- at." Her voice trails off at the end of her sentence as she notices the photos on the wall as well.

"I thought you said you didn't know the owners." I question her, wondering if maybe there was a misunderstanding and that she really just forgot.

"No...no that's true though. I have n-no idea h-how this picture got here..." I see that her vision is focused on the photo of her and Taehyung at the canyon. I try to divert her focus to the other two photos as well.

"Do you recognize these guys?" I point at the two guys with red and black hair. She squints her eyes at the two faces.

"No, not that I can remember..." I then notice her eyes flicker over to the last on the wall. "...wait. Is that Namjoon?"

"Yeah. It looks like it. Apparently, you two do know each other after all." I glance over to Haeun to see her staring intensely at the photos on the wall, her confusion written all over her face. I need to figure out what's going on.

"Wait. Excuse me for one second Haeun." I walk over to the counter, the lady from before currently dusting some counters behind her.

"Ex-xcuse me?" She turns around and smiles.

"Hi, what can I do for you, young man?"

"Oh...um I was wondering if you could tell me about the photos over on that wall." She looks over at the wall before looking back at me with a disappointed face.

"I'm sorry sweetie I can't help you with that. I don't own this place. I'm just filling in for the owners while they're away." Dammit, what bad timing...

"Okay I'm sorry for bothering you, but could I just ask one more question? Do you know when they will be coming back?" I feel like my words are desperate as I say them. At least, I definitely feel desperate. Desperate to understand the situation. Desperate to help Haeun in anyway I can...

No matter what may be the problem.

"Yes of course. They should be coming back sometime next week."

"O-okay." I slip out a quick smile and bow to the lady before walking back to Haeun, who seems unfazed by my reappearance by her side.

"Haeun, I think you're suffering some kind of memory loss. But don't worry, I'll help you figure it out. You should go see Taehyung." She slowly starts to nod at my proposal.

"Yea...yea that's probably the best thing to do."

"Do you want me to take you to him?"

"Oh no, no there's no need. I can go there myself."

"Okay, then I'm going to talk to some people too. I guess I'll be leaving first?"

"Ok-kay. Bye Jimin." I rush out of the café, instantly taking out my phone. I scramble to go to my contacts and click the first favorite. Jungkook.

I press the phone against my ear, impatiently waiting for an answer.

"Hey dude, what's up?"

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