e p i l o g u e

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⤠ we вecaмe тнaт epιc, everlaѕтιng love ѕтory ⤟

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Haeun's POV

"Mommy, Daddy, hurry up!"

"Slow down Hyunie! You don't even know where you're going!" I laugh at the energetic little boy jumping out of the car and eagerly running off into the distance.

"Since when did he become so hyper?" Jimin amusedly asks.

"Since I turned five!" the boy surprisingly shouts in response, still running farther away from us.

Jimin hurries towards Hyunie, scooping the boy up and carrying him around like a plane. His squeals and laughter are music to my ears.

I sigh a happy sigh, still standing in place while taking in the familiar yet somehow foreign scenery: the black gates, the gloomy atmosphere. Yet somehow, being with the people I am with now and witnessing this moment of pure innocence and happiness unraveling before me, the location just doesn't seem as gloomy as it once did.

I take a deep breath, taking in the scent of the flowers in my hands before entering the gates. I head over to Jimin and Hyunie, who are already in front of the tombstone. Jimin attempts to hold the restless child in place while waiting for me.

"Hyunie, sweetie, I want you to meet someone," I say once I join them. "This is your Uncle Tae. Taehyung, this is my son, Park Daehyun."

He finally calms down and stands still. He peers at the tombstone with wide, doe-like eyes before giving it a small wave.

"Hi, Uncle Tae."

I smile, feeling myself growing emotional from his little greeting.

"Did he die, mommy?" I am completely caught off guard by his question, unaware that he would be able to comprehend such a difficult concept like life and death. My eyes dart to Jimin, who is also slightly shocked.

"He did, honey. But he's in a much better place now."

"Who is he?" He is unable to contain his curiosity, the questions just spewing from his mouth.

"He's your guardian angel," I reply with a smile, handing him the bouquet. "Why don't you give these to your Uncle Tae? It's his birthday today." The bouquet appears extra large in Hyunie's petite hands, it almost matching the size of his small frame. He gently lays the bouquet onto the ground.

"He's celebrating his birthday in heaven!" Hyunie exclaims with a childish grin, and it simply amazes me how innocent this boy is, and at the same time how intelligent he has already become. "Can I talk to Uncle Tae?"

Jimin and I chuckle at his excitement.

"Go ahead Hyunie, your mom, and I'll be close by."

"Okay! Hi Uncle Tae! My name's Daehyun but everyone calls me Hyunie! Uncle Jin gave me the nickname..."

His introduction fades away into the distance as Jimin and I walk over to a nearby bench.

The same bench I once sat at with Namjoon.

"That kid's gotten way too smart. They grow up so fast..." I say to Jimin.

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