Let's Take It From The Top

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(Title credit: Misery Business by Paramore)

Hi. I'm not completely sure where this story is gonna go. I have an idea of the plot but knowing me I'll end up making it up as I go along.

Enjoy the story!


I stared at the double doors for what felt like an eternity. Cmon Hayley, you can do this. I had even dyed my hair back to my natural colour in preparation for a new start. New school, new you!

Hahahaha no.

My eyes started to hurt from the lack of blinking. After a few seconds of re-adjusting my vision, I entered the school.

The first thing I noticed was the scent of the building. The overlapping fumes of sweat, heavy deodorant and hairspray, the source being the multitudes of students bustling along.

"Wow, it sure Smells Like Teen Spirit in here!" I said to myself out loud (a little too loud), laughing hysterically at my genius Nirvana pun. Yes, I am a total sucker for puns. The more I repeated the joke to myself the funnier it got, until I was nothing but a howling brown haired mess on the hallway floor.

I couldn't care less about the dirty looks that were thrown in my direction by other people. As you can probably tell, I'm not the most socially experienced person in the world. Making friends was clearly an impossibility now.

I managed to gather myself and make my way to the principal's office to collect my timetable. The principal wasn't what I was expecting; she was a young blonde woman with her arms decorated in band wristbands and pretty tattoos. Her name was Miss Oak. Miss Oak briefly went over where the classrooms and halls were, but as usual it went through one ear and out the other.

The first bell went, meaning that I had to get to Science. Yay (hopefully the sarcasm was obvious). I reluctantly walked over to where the science block was and entered the lab written on my timetable. The class was already almost full. I did a quick scan with my eyes of the people in the room. Most people seemed to already be in their own little cliques, not seeming very welcoming of new additions.

Well, that's what you get when you start at a new high school in the middle of the year.

I found an empty seat in the back row, next to a girl with dark hair. She was quite pretty. The dark haired girl became aware of my presence and smiled at me.

"Hey, are you new here?" She asked. I nodded "Oh cool, I'm Tay" Tay extended her hand towards me, probably for me to shake it. Which is what I did.

We made small talk during the lesson, which involved the topics of why I moved here (which I of course lied about) and who Tay's friends were and just common interests. I immediately took a liking to her when she told me her favourite bands.

After science I had drama, which wasn't very eventful. Everyone was already in groups so I just got stuck with some random people, who didn't seem pleased to have me.

At break I managed to find Tay, which was near impossible when you're fighting against 1000 other students coming from the opposite direction. The dark haired girl was sat under one of the many cork trees on the east section of the field. She was accompanied by about 5 or 6 other people. I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I can talk to people individually; no problem. But when it comes to groups I become nervous and shy, which is not what I am at all. Tay saw me from across the field and beckoned me over. With hesitation I shuffled over to my new friend.

Let's Take It From The Top (Haylex)Where stories live. Discover now