Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass! (Part 2)

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Enjoy demolition lovers in the sidebar woo

@whatshernam3 guessed the lyrics from the last chapter correctly (All Your Fault by You Me At Six) so go follow them :)

This chapter's gonna be looooooong so prepare yourselves for some emo christmassyness (that's not a thing Nicole gosh).

Okay, part 2! Enjoy!


Gerard's POV

Shit, it's Friday already. Literally the only good thing about today is the fact that we have a half day and finish at 12:05. The bad news is that I have to sing in front of 1,000 students, the majority of which I don't even like.

Mikey, on the other hand, was overjoyed to come into school today. He was almost running to reach the godforsaken building.

"What's up with you today?" I asked

"I'm just really excited to give everyone presents!" He replied "Don't tell me you didn't get Frank and the others presents Gee"

"I won't tell you then" How was I meant to know we were getting presents for each other? Anyways, Mikey's probably the only one who remembered

"You're such a killjoy Gerard"

"I know" I grinned sarcastically. Before long, we had arrived at hell. I mean school. Meh, what's the difference? I waved goodbye to my brother and made my way to the main hall. Everyone performing had to go there early to practise and prepare.

The sudden blast of heat as I entered the room was overwhelming. So many people...and this is only a small fraction of the people I'm singing for. All around were frantic teenagers moving instruments and decorations from here to there. In the multitudes of people, I searched for Hayley's head of bright orange and blue. I genuinely refused to even step on that stage of she's not here.

"Gerard!" I relaxed as I heard her familiar voice yell from across the halls. She fought her way over, acoustic guitar in hand "Hey, how are you?"

"Nervous, but I'll live. You?"

"Excited yet shitting myself since I have to perform three times in one assembly" Hayley sighed

"Three times?" I knew she was also singing with Alex Gaskarth, but that would only mean she performs twice?

"Yep, I have to play Misery Business, thanks to that Demon Music Teacher"

"Aw that sucks!" The morning bell interrupted me, and everything seemed like a blur. Thankfully Hayley took a firm grip on my wrist and pulled me to the back of the stage, or I'd still be standing there lost in my own mind.

"We're going third to last, okay?" She informed me. I nodded, though this was everything but okay. I have to sing Demolition Lovers to the person I love in front of the entire school. Fuck.

Hayley's POV

I'm really pumped to play Demolition Lovers. Well, I'm really pumped to find out who it's for. Gerard refused to tell me all week when we practised. What an asshole.

At the same time, I'm nervous since I haven't seen Alex anywhere, and we're up first! We've practised loads for this, if he doesn't show up I'll be extremely annoyed. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and kneeled down on the floor. I'm not even religious, but maybe praying will help.

Dear God, um...hi? It would be great if Alex would show up, like, now. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but we're singing first and he's not here! Can you teleport him here or something? Can you do that? Sure you can, you're fucking God! Oh pardon my language! Anyways, uh, thank you, and bye!

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