I Found Out, Finding Out Wasn't The Worst Part

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(Title credit: Both Sides of The Story by We Are The In Crowd)

This song literally fits this chapter so well


Shout out to @lightstxrmhemmo for guessing the song in the last chapter (it was Happy Little Pill by Troye Sivan)

I'm having extreme You Me At Six feels right now and have the urge to lick Josh Franceschi's face what even

Okay enjoy!


Jenna's POV

I woke up with the biggest headache ever. As I became more and more conscious, I could feel the pain all over my entire body. What the fuck? I opened my eyes to see that I was in a bathtub, with a whiskey bottle lying on my stomach, in the most uncomfortable position imaginable. Then it hit me - Hayley's party.

I climbed out to see Tay, Zack and Mikey slumped on the bathroom floor, looking as terrible as I probably did. Stepping over their bodies, I took a look in the mirror. Jesus, I look awful.

My usually neat blonde hair was sticking up at all angles, my black eyeliner was smeared across my face, along with red lipstick. Wow. Just...wow.

"Taylor, wake up" I nudged my best friend with my foot, rolling her onto her back. She groaned in response and told me to fuck off. Asshole.

Stumbling out of the bathroom, I tried searching for my friends among the various people passed out in the corridor. Hayley would probably be in her room, maybe I'll check in there. It took at least two minutes, but at least I made it. The door was slightly open. I opened it a bit more and peeked through the gap and saw two naked bodies laying on the bed. EWW! One of them was Alex, but the other person wasn't Hayley.

Oh my god, it's Jack! What the actual fuck is going on? Alex and Jack are gay? Alex cheated on Hayley? Does she even know? If not, I don't want to be the one to tell her. As quick as I had opened it, I slammed the door and ran (hah, more like stumbled) downstairs.

It seems like I'm the only person awake in this house. Seriously, out of the 100 people here I'm the only one who actually decided to get up? Even Fall Out Boy were passed out on the mini stage in the living room they'd been playing on through the night. Joe's afro was sticking up everywhere. I'm so tempted to touch his hair, I mean, it's so poofy and cool! Should I do it? Nah, let's not do it. On one of the sofas, I saw Josh and Oli cuddled up together. Aww, they're cute as fuck but it's still cheating on Hannah. Why is there so much cheating going on? And why do I have to be the one to find out? At this rate, I'm gonna need to get new friends. It's ironic that I'm seeing this, seeing as I've been single since like birth.

Sounds of groaning and shuffling were heard from the kitchen. Thank God, I'm not alone. I rushed over to see who'd finally woken up.

"Ugh, my head fucking kills" someone complained, head buried in a box of pizza. Wait, there was pizza and no one informed me? Rude! I recognised the voice as none other that Miss Williams herself. Guilt washed over me; maybe I should tell her? No, Alex should explain himself to his girlfriend and I should've get involved in other people's business.

"Morning sunshine" I tried to be cheery, but in reality I feel like shit.

"Oh, hey Jenna!" She greeted me "Ugh, I'm so tired. I'm going to bed" Hayley slowly stood up, making her way out of the kitchen. Oh crap, she's gonna go into her room and see "the thing"!

"N-no! You can't go in your room!" I blocked the doorway. Wow Jenna, what a way to make it obvious.

"Why not? I sort of live here so..." Hayley tried to squeeze through the gap between my arm and leg, but I moved my hips to block it

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