If It Looks Like I'm Laughing, I'm Really Just Asking To Leave

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(Title credit: The Sharpest Lives by My Chemical Romance)

I've been thinking, I'm gonna try and update every week or every two weeks (yay!) but that might mean shorter chapters (cries)

Idk I'll figure it out sooner or later

Also there's gonna be a lot of Hayley/Alex POV change in this chapter. It may be confusing but I promise it's all for a good reason :)

Here's chapter 9! Enjoy! ~Nicole


Hayley's POV

There is no way I am going to school today. Anyways, child services will be at my door any second now to take me away, so if I just hide in my house I'll be fine. No, that's stupid, then it'll be on the news that I've gone missing and I don't need any more attention.

But I do need to get out sooner or later. I can't mourn over my parents for the rest of my life, can I? I need to go and do something crazy to take my mind off things, to go back to the normal happy Hayley.

You know what? I'm gonna cut all my hair off.

Without hesistation, I sprinted upstairs into the bathroom. I rummaged through the small basket full of brushes and various hair things for scissors.

"Fuck!" I cried out. I really need this scissors...NOW! Sighing in defeat, I stormed into my room, tearing it apart in my frantic search. Eventually, the silver scissors were visible from under my bed. I seized them and walked back to the bathroom. Sigh, my long hair looks so nice in the mirror, falling past my chest. But I don't want it. Not any more. With a few quick snips, I cut my chesnut locks to my ears, smiling with satisfaction. The breeze on the back of my neck felt unfamiliar, but refreshing.

I look different, but a good different. My hair still looks quite normal though, who knew brown could look so boring? Some change was necessary here. I should go orange, Alex said I should anyways.

Throwing on a pair of ripped jeans, a band shirt and vans, I made my way out of the door to buy some hair dye from the store.

Alex's POV

Worried wasn't even enough to describe how I was feeling. The others were trying to spark up a conversation to lighten the mood, but we were all miserable. The whole school had heard about Hayley's parents, and were expecting her to be off today. But I was worried because she might have done...something. I'm praying that she hasn't, I told her to call me immediately if she felt like cutting but I've heard nothing from the brunette girl. This must be an awful thing to go through after everything that's already happened. Without her parents, it seems like Hayley only has us.

I felt someone give my hand a comforting squeeze. I looked up from the ground to see Jack smiling weakly at me. It was a small gesture, but it helped me to calm down a bit. I couldn't work our who was more torn by the situation; me or Brendon. The usually talkative boy hadn't said anything since this morning, not even when that Ryan dude kissed him on the cheek during break. I can imagine that he knew Hayley's parents quite well, and was upset about Hayley's well-being as well.

"What if she's taken away by child services?" Brendon whispered in a scared, panicked voice "What if we never see her again?"

"Brendon, calm down--" Tay said soothingly but was cut off

"I can't calm down! My best friend is probably crying her eyes out right now and here I am doing nothing about it!"

Silence fell upon us. That's right. None of us had done anything about it. Then again most if us only found out late last night or this morning. I feel so selfish. I could have gone to Hayley's house this morning to check she's okay. But I didn't.

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