How Could We Ever Let This Go?

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(Title credit: The Left Side Of Everywhere by Sleeping With Sirens)

First things first, I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for leaving comments and voting! Also, @businessofsouls guessed the song lyrics at the end of chapter 5 (the song was She's My Winona by Fall Out Boy) so you should all go follow them :)

Second of all, I've started school *cries* so I might not update as often *cries again*


Anyways, here's chapter 7, enjoy!

~Nicole (why am I even signing off I'm the only writer in this fanfic)


Alex's POV

History couldn't have been more boring. Mrs Guilford decided it would be fun to separate the squad (me, Jack, Tay, Rian and Brendon) and sit us with people I didn't even know were in the class. Well at least Brendon was getting along with the kid he was stuck with. I spent the remainder of the lesson with my eyes glued to the clock, watching each second lead up to 3:30. When the bell rang, I didn't hesitate to leave the godforsaken prison known as History.

I scanned the sea of students for a certain brown haired girl. I'm sure Hayley said she had music which isn't far from History, so she must be out already. Unfortunately I couldn't see her anywhere.

"Dude, you okay?" I heard Jack say, as he walked over to me

"Yeah, fine. I'm just looking for someone" I replied, finally making eye contact

"Hayley by any chance?" my dark haired friend asked, raising an eyebrow suggestively "If so, she's over there" he pointed a long finger towards a head of chestnut locks laughing her ass off, walking along victoriously. Yep, that's Hayley. I forgot to say thanks to Jack before sprinting over to her. Her victory march came to a halt when she acknowledged my presence. Hayley's face lit up even further, if that was even possible.

"Oh hey Alex!" she giggled. Oh god, that giggle will be the death of me

"Hey! What are you so happy about?" I smiled back, poking her side playfully

"Well, I finished my song in music, made my best friend look like an idiot in front of his crush and got to see you today, so there's a lot to be happy about" Hayley explained, the bright grin never leaving her face once. I blushed slightly at the last reason but covered it up quickly.

"Embarrassed Brendon in front of his crush? Poor him, is she cute?"

"Yeah, he -I mean- she is" her face falters slightly as she corrects herself. Hm, weird. We continued the conversation whilst walking home. I have to say, it's a huge difference from walking home exchanging dick jokes with Jack. Speaking of my best friend, I didn't tell him I've left school already. I'm sure he'll be fine walking alone, just for today? Yeah he'll be fine. Normally I'd feel awful for doing this, but I wouldn't miss a chance to hear Hayley's laugh or see her smile for the world. Sounds selfish, but honestly if you were around this girl for a minute you would understand.

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