Sort Of Hoping That You'd Stay

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(Title credit: Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys)

Sorry for not updating for a while, school and homework and exams and revision is just so time consuming. Also lack of motivation but whatever.

This chapter will probably be shorter than the others for the above reasons. Or it might be longer because I actually know what to write. Idk we'll see what happens.


Okay here's chapter 10



Hayley's POV

I literally have never felt worse in my entire life. I hate Jane so much! I hate myself for not trusting in my friends! Well, my ex-friends to be precise.

"Are you ready to go?" The blonde haired witch smiled sweetly, as if Alex's outburst had never occured. I pulled a face. I'm pretty sure the blood orange in my hair put some fire into me, because I didn't hesitate to angrily spit back a reply

"What the hell do you think? Of course not!" Proceeding to return all my belongings upstairs, Jane frowned and stepped in front of me.

"Hayley you have to go now. You're not of the legal age to be living alone"

"So what? I don't care!" I yelled in her face, storming out the front door. I don't think I've ever been that rude towards anyone in my entire life, but there's a first for everything, right? Angry tears spilled from my eyes as I made my way to the nearby park. Slumping down on a bench, I buried my face in my hands and sobbed my heart out. Words can't describe how much I hate myself. I managed to lose the only people who cared about me, my parents are dead, probably because of something to do with me because I just seem to cause problems, and was absolutely horrible to some lady who was just doing her job. Sure she was a bitch, but I could have still tried to be nice. Hayley you're such a failure!

My cries became more shaky and breathless as I counted all the reasons I deserved to die. I'm sure everyone will be relieved that one more fiery haired asshole was no longer existing in the world.

"Hayley? Are you okay?" A familiar British voice cut through my thoughts, sounding concerned. I was too consumed in my misery to look up. The owner of the voice came closer and wrapped their strong arms around me. I honestly don't care who this boy was, he could be a rapist for all I know, however I didn't hesitate to curl up in his chest and cry into his shirt. He soothingly traced circles on my back and whispered "It's okay, you'll be okay" into my ear. Eventually my sobbing stopped, but I felt exhausted and found myself drifting off in the arms of this kind British stranger.


When I woke, I was looking up at a ceiling that was unfamiliar. I rolled onto my side, only to realise that this is not my bed or my room.

Alex's POV

I lay down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, hoping that the calming cream colour would help my mood. It didn't.

I can't believe Hayley would say that about us! Sure, we've only known each other for like a week, but I like her a lot. And I thought she likes me a lot too. Apparently not. The most aggravating part of it all is that I can't bring myself to hate her. No matter how many reasons my brain conjures up, my heart always gave a reason why I shouldn't. Ugh, fuck you Hayley Williams!

A quiet knock on the door caught my attention. I already knew who it was so I just told them to come in. Jack walked in and sat next to me on the bed.

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