Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass!

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(Title credit: Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass by All Time Low)



Shout out to @businessofsouls for guessing the song correctly on the last chapter (it was Brick by Boring Brick)

This is really just a fun christmassy filler chapter to celebrate Christmas I guess! I think it will be fun for me to write (and for you to read hopefully) so yeah. And I have a feeling it's gonna long af.

The story is originally set around springtime but obviously I'll have to change that cos Christmas. So basically everything is the same apart from the fact that it's somehow magically December. Confusing, but it will make sense.

Okay here's chapter 14? (I think it's 14?)

EDITED: It's actually chapter 13 aha bye


Hayley's POV

December seemed to just fly by; it was already the last few days of school! I've been debating with myself whether I should go into school or not, but the others forgave me and convinced me it would be a good idea to. Hope they're right.

Brendon and I weren't even at the school gates when the horrible ringing of the bell spread through the air like fire.

"Run or we'll be late!" Brendon held my wrist and practically dragged me along

"I don't like running, I thought we've been through this!" I whined, but still ran regardless of my words. Thankfully we reached our first lessons before the teachers arrived. I had music, which is most definitely my favourite lesson.

I took my usual seat next to Gerard. To say he was surprised to see me was truly an understatement. But he has every reason to; I've been off school for like a week and returned with possibly the weirdest combination of hair colours. I'm glad to see nothing's changed. Gerard's hair is still bright ketchup red and our desk is still wobbly like before.

"Oh, hi Hayley, it's been a while," he looked up at my hair and nodded in approval "Your hair is fucking awesome! How are you, by the way?" he greeted me with an uncertain smile, like he was uncomfortable and nervous. Looks like things have changed then. Gerard's usually relaxed or happy in music class.

"Thank you, but it'll never be as cool as yours! And I'm great by the way! But you don't seem to be. What's wrong?" I asked, corcerned. Gerard looked down at his feet for a good 10 seconds before answering

"I'm just really nervous about Friday. There's going to be a Christmas assembly with the whole school and I have to sing in front of everyone! Not only that, they're making me sing a really personal song that I don't want to sing--"

"Is it Demolition Lovers!?" I interrupted with a loud gasp. That must've been annoying, but I need to know what the song is

"Uh, yeah. I was working on it last lesson because I finished Helena, and the teacher saw and took it off of me and said I had to perform it! Like, what the fuck!? I wrote it for someone special and now everyone's gonna hear it and it won't be special anymore!" The ketchup haired boy buried his face in his palms and breathed out heavily and stressfully. I have no idea how to comfort people, so I just patted his back (in what I think is a soothing manner).

"Does the person go to this school? If so you can actually sing it to them, but it will look like you're singing to everyone!" I blurted out my genius idea, though it made a lot more sense in my head. Everything does.

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