P1 Red carpet

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You had been an interning for MTV this summer and so far all you'd done is get coffee for the higher ups.

It's came as a total shock when you were asked to attended the red carpet for oceans 8. You were expecting to be holding the camera or again just getting coffee but instead you were to be interviewing the stars for MTV news.

You couldn't believe it. You almost backed out at the last second. It was too good to be true!

This movie had loads and loads of your favourite actresses. Sarah Paulson, Cate Blanchett, Ann Hathaway and most of all Helena Bonham Carter. You've had a crush on her since high school.

You remembered how beautiful she was in movies like Sweeney Todd and Novocain. She was perfect in your eyes hopefully you'd get to talk to her.


It was the big day, someone else had done your make up which was a new thing, but definitely something you could get used to. MTV had given you a simple blue dress to wear and made it very clear you were to keep it clean.

A lovely man called Paul was to be holding the camera which now, looking at it, even the notion of you carrying it would be ridiculous.

You heard a count down in your ear signalling the evening was about to start.




The first few people walked the carpet. They were the producers, writers and directors. You asked them the per planed questions and found yourself pleased with the answers you got.

Although all the questions on the romantic rumours seemed to be avoided with expert word twisting.

Then the next set began to make their way towards you. It wasn't the main cast, just side characters but you were still excited to speak to James Cordon.

It was now time for the main stars to walk the carpet. All eight were now being filter toward you and the other reporters, and there she was!

Helena Bonham Carter was mer meters away form you talking to someone form the ABC. You were still ecstatic to be speaking to Sandra Bullock though. She was amazing and gave an long and positive answer to the rumours between her and Cates characters past.

You had been able to get a sentence from Rihanna, alluding to new music, and had Sarah and Mindi pretend to "drag" their co-stars when asked if they all got on.

You had almost given up on getting to talk to Helena when you looked up to see her right in front of you. You were so startled you dropped you question cards. "Oh no that's okay love I'll get them" she said as she bent down to pick them up.

You felt your face go beet red. Thought of this being a dream past though your head. "Thank you" was all you could say as you shyly look at your feet.

"That's okay love," she looked as though she was about to say more but was pulled away for the movie premiere.

You were felt disappointed with yourself, you would have had time to talk to her if you hadn't been so clumsy. You'll never get a chance like this again.


Later that evening you and Paul go to the van to put together some clips to send to the editor.

Paul is watching back the footage when he notices you are still fiddling with the cards from earlier. "Hey y/n it's okay, we got loads of stuff from everyone else, I'm sure they'll be able to get a weeks worth of videos and articles from this!" He said trying to cheer you up.

This didn't seem to work though as you were still looking down at your hands. "Yeah I guess, I just wish I was able to talk to her, properly, I had a great question for her!" You said flicking through the cards to find it.

But a red piece of paper caught your eye. The rest of the paper was white so this one was definitely not meant to be there. Paul was saying something but you weren't listening as You began to read the mystery paper.

"I saw you talking to Sandra, I'd love to have a more private chat.
Come to my room at the smiths hotel ( room 36 ) if your not there by 1am I'll assume you don't want to come.
P.s love the dress"
- HBC"

It was almost midnight "Paul I have to go out for a bit!" You almost left without putting your shoes on.


Part 2 is out now!

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