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Sorry I've been a way I've been getting ready to go to collage (I start tomorrow 🙃)

So here have this I hope you like it. If you want a part 2 let me know I do have an idea for one 😏 😉

(Thank you for 1k reads as well 😁😁)

"(Y/n)? Were you listening to me?" Mr Tucker said as you were pulled form your day dream.

You definitely weren't listening but who could blame you he did tend to drone on.

"I told you to fetch coffee and sandwiches for the meeting in room E in about 10 minutes." He paused expecting you to move "cop cop!" He yelled making you jump. Clearly you didn't move quick enough.

Walking down to the store room was the worst part of the day. The door was heavy and made you wonder what would happen if it closed while you were still inside.

Would anyone find you in time? Or would you freeze to death?

The thought only made you move quicker which was helpful as you were on a time limit.

You can't say you hate your job. It pays enough to keep your flat and you have a chance to move up the ladder.

At the moment you're still an intern but that was likely to change as you were good at you job. Maybe sometimes you'd zone out but for the most part you were punctual and focused.

Hurrying down the corridor to room E you noticed that people were already in the room. 'Shit I'm late' You thought.

"(Y/n)! Where have you been? the meeting has already started! I expect better from you. From now on you're on thin ice!" Mr Tucker yelled.

God how you hated him. Hopefully soon you'll be switched to a different department. Then he won't be your supervisor any more.

"I was only what? 2 minuets late? What's the big deal?" You said sticking up for yourself.

"What's the big deal? Young lady this meeting is a make or break! Do you have any idea who it though that door?" Truthfully you didn't but you weren't ready to imitate that.

"Now Todd isn't in today so you'll be serving the coffee" she said with a smug grin "so get in there and apologise for being late."

Your stomach dropped and you knew there was no way out. Walking with small steps you entered the meeting room.

"So this is the intern we've been waiting for?" A woman said. Although she want just any woman.

This was Helena Bonham Carter. There was no one higher up than her in the company.

You had seen her face in photos all around the building but it wasn't till right now you realised how gorgeous she was.

Her thick brown hair was forced into a tight bun and her suit was perfectly tailored.

"Sorry Miss for being late." You said with your head bowed. You could practically feel the glare from Mr Tucker in the back of your head.

"That quite alright dear." Helena said to your surprise. "I'm sure this will be a one off." She added giving you a wink before returning to table.

The meeting went smoothly. You didn't really care what they were discussing nor was it really any of your business.

You did scrunch your nose at the idea of putting a new car park where the old woods are but that idea was shot down immediately by Helena herself.

As everyone filed out the room you began to clear up the cups and plates. For men of business they sure did leave a mess behind.

"Are you okay dear?" Asked a voice from behind. You knew who it was but still felt disbelief. 'Why would she be talking to me?' When though your head.

"It was (y/n)? Wasn't it? I could always have a word with you department head for you." Helena said leaning against the table.

"No thank you." You said continuing with your job. You tidied in silence acutely a where of the eyes following your every move.

Any chill left over from the store room was now gone. You were feeling more than a little flustered by the attention.

"I'm done now Miss." You announced before heading to the door. However, you were blocked by Helena.

"I wanted to ask you something dear." She said seeming a little nervous.

"What is it?" You eventually said after a sort pause.

"Well," She said taking your had and leading you over to a chair. "This is a little embarrassing..." Helena tailed off looking like she was about to give up.

"I probably won't be" You said trying to reassure her. It was so strange to see someone so powerful become as shy as a school girl.

"I was wondering if you wanted to perhaps." Helena swallowed and took a deep breath. "Would you like to go out for dinner with me some time?"

"Yes." You sort of said it with out thinking. Of course you wanted to go out for dinner with her! She's one of the most beautiful woman you'd ever seen.

"Really?" She seemed shocked. It made you laugh a little as you shook your head to confirm.

What came next will for ever be ingrained in your mind.

She smiled.

A true proper smile. One that can only come about when someone is truly happy.

God you hoped this date would go well!

Helena Bonham Carter One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now