Dress up

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"How about this one?" You said holding a cute blouse.

"No no you said I could put you in any thing I want." Helena replied from somewhere deep in room.

Helena was allowed to put you in anything she wanted for this evening since you forced her to watch that stupid romcom with you.

At the time it seemed like a fair trade but you had forgotten how may bits and pieces she had from movie set in the wardrobe.

It wasn't exactly a wardrobe, more of a second bedroom dedicated to clothing. And oh boy did she have a lot of it.

"How about that dress?" You said hoping she'd give in.

"Oh that? Goodness no. That's far too grown up for my little (y/n)." Helena was always doing that. Ever since the press falsely reported that you were her daughter.

It was an inside joke now but at the time it had been very embarrassing. Actually it was still a little embarrassing. You weren't that young after all you just had a baby face.

You sat down on a pile of jumpers hoping she'd pick something soon. The pizza would arrive any minute now.

"I think I found something's for you to wear" Helena said too giggly to be a good thing for you.

"What is.... it" your face fell when you saw what she was holding "you can't be serious? I'm not wearing that."

It was worse then you were expecting, she definitely didn't enjoy that movie we watched.

In Helena's hands she held a short pair of dotted bloomers, a frilly yellow top and a big pink bow.

" I think you are" She said smugly "come here and get changed"

Reluctantly you allowed it. You felt ridiculous. Helena's laugh wasn't making things any better or you face less red.

"Okay okay I know I look stupid, you've had your revenge. Now can I take this off?" You pleaded.

"Okay darling right after you give me a hug." Helena pulled you in and kissed you forehead. "I love you pumpkin" she whispered.

Then the door bell went "right go get the pizza then you can take it off."


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