P2 Week end (NSFW)

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Some one requested a weekend part two so here we go!


I blinked slowly as I began to adjust to the waking world. I stretched and yawned before slipping out of bed.

Walking in to the adjoined bathroom I sat down on the loo yawning once more.

Last night had been one of the best nights of my life. It was strange to think tomorrow I'd be sat back in class, no one else knowing but me.

Know one knowing how Helena had pulled me in throw the door in nothing but a dressing gown, how she pushed me on to the bed and whispered dirty sins into my ears.

How she touched my body in ways only an experienced woman could. She was on me, in me, our bodies almost becoming one.

She'd shush me after every small moan and gasp. Calling me hers.

Like an animal marking there territory she'd lick and bite every inch of my body.

Physical memories of the night before were still in my skin. Deep bruises litter my collar bone and a red lip stick tainted my thighs.

A quick wash of my face and I was back out into her bed room.

Only she was gone.

"Helena?" I called out in a split moment of panic.

Pulling on her large dressing gown I walked down stairs. "Hellie?" I asked again only this time I got a response.

"Yes kitten?" She said looking over her shoulder from where she was making pancakes. "What wrong?"

"Nothing" I said with a giggle suddenly feeling a little foolish.

"You look awful cute in that. If I didn't wear it so much I'd be tempted to let you have it" Helena said with a smile.

"I can see why." I said snuggling deeper into the garment.

"Here." She said while putting a plate in front of you. "You can have the first one."

"Thank you." I said causing Helena to let out a laugh.

"Such a polite girly aren't you, oh and that reminds me we're going into town later!" She said sliding a not quite perfect pancake onto my plate.


"Kitten, you've worn the same outfit the last four times I've seen you." She said poring more batter into the pan.

"Maybe I like it..." I said with a full mouth.

"I'll be my treat, besides dressing you up is my second favourite thing to do." Helena said sitting down to eat her pancake

"What's your first?"

"That would be the Undressing kitten." She said with a wink.

Needless to say I choked on my next bit.


Hope you liked it this one's in first person like the first weekend.

If you like this style better let me know and I'll write more in first person.

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