P1 Forbidden love

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Sorry I haven't uploaded much the last week I've been sick. Any way here is part one of a longer request by @maryfox-7376

It's very long and I've had so much fun writing it. Part 2 will be out in a little while!

You sat Nervously out side the audition room. It was only last week you'd been in there giving it your all for a chance to be in Tim Burtons newest film.

You and 3 other girls had all been called back to addition again. Fiddling with your sleeve you looked around the room.

The other girls were beautiful, far more then you thought you were.

However there was no time for second thinking as you were suddenly being called to the audition room.

~~~~~~one month later~~~~~~

"Hello?, speaking" you said to the man on the other end of the phone. It wasn't very often you got a call so you had a small idea what it might be.

However, you knew not to get your hopes up and tried to control they spark of excitement.

The man informed you he'd like you to come back to the audition room later that day as he had some good news for you.

Your heart almost jumped out of you chest. You'd done it. You'd got the part!

Hurrying as fast as possible you got ready. Throwing on a nice dress and shoes before heading out the door.

Since you didn't have a car the bus was the only other option. In  an hour you'd be in London.

The bus was taking longer than usual and you prayed a slight lateness wouldn't make them reconsider.

When you finally made it to the audition room you were surprised to find it practically empty.

'I must be early' You thought to yourself as you sat down on a sofa.

Suddenly the door swung open!

"so sorry I'm late! Have you been waiting long?" Said an older man with scruffy grey hair.

"Oh no not at all, I just got here as well." You said trying to keep your cool.

You hadn't met him during the audition process but you were beyond sure that standing in front of you was Tim Burton.

"(Y/n) was it? Well it's nice to meet you," He said with his thick America accent. "Helena is just on her way up, Nell got sent home from school with a tummy bug so we had to go pick her up before coming here." He added as he lead you into a small meeting room.

Sitting down on one end of the table, Tim began to get out several documents and stacks of paper.

"Here's the script, please try not to loose it." He said half jokingly as he slid you a thick booklet. "Don't be overwhelmed by the amount of dialogue, we won't expect you to learn it all in one go, you'll get certain scenes to prepare for each month. Well also have crew on hand to help you."

"Trust me, with this ones dialogue you'll need all the help you can get." A woman giggled from behind you as she struggled to hold a  Fidgety little girl.

"Hi love" Tim said getting up to give his wife a kiss in the cheek. "Helena, (y/n). (Y/n), Helena" he said with a smile.

You saw Helena look you up and down, it felt a little strange but you weren't complaining.

After a quick conversation about money, travel and security, you left to return home. This time however in a cab Helena had paid for.

~~~~~~~ 8 months later ~~~~~~~

"And! quiet on set... ACTION!" Tim yelled from behind the camera and the loud chatter came to a holt.

"Hugo, I" you stuttered out trying to get this take perfect "I love you... but I HATE WHO YOU'VE BECOME!" You yelled turning to make your fake exit.

"GWEN!" Sam, your costar yelled in return. He'd been forgetting his lines but it looked like this time he had it "I am the same man you once loved, just smarter, braver—"

"IF THIS WAS THE MAN I ONCE LOVE I WAS A FOOL TO DO SO!" Taking a deep breath you continued "you're a monster Hugo" this time you exited the room for real.

"CUT," Tim said running into the fake living room "(y/n), that was amazing we've got enough of your lines so you can take lunch early. Sam, we're gonna have to redo a couple so..."

You didn't hear the rest of what Tim said as you had left the set and headed towards your trailer.

"(Y/n)!" Helena called from behind you, "I was wondering if you still wanted to go eat me out— I mean eat out with me" she giggled blushing a lot at her mistake.

"Oh if course I do, but I'm afraid my lunch isn't very long today..." you said feeling even guiltier than last time you had to say no, "I don't have to be on set till 9 at night next Monday, how about we do it then?"

You'd never seen someone go from disappointed to happy so quickly. Helena nodded and pulled you into a hug.

Saying Helena liked you would be an understatement, she almost spent more time with you than her own husband.

You couldn't say you were 100% comfortable with it though. Helena had often asked you to keep your activities private.

It wasn't like it was a crime for you too to hang out with each other. You didn't  understand why she wanted to be so hush hush about everything.

Why would it bother Tim to know his wife was friends with his movies star?

~~~~~~~ 4 months later ~~~~~~~

"(Y/n) you ready?" Asked your best Friend Jamie as they hammered on the bath room door.

"Yeah I'm just peeing bitch calm down" you yelled back.

"Wow fame changed you." They said before the both of you started to laugh.

"Don't make me cry laughing my makeup isn't water proof" you got out in between breathy laughter.

"Wow can't even afford water proof mascara, fame truly isn't every thing." Jamie said laying on the sarcasm thickly.

"You know I'm starting to have second thoughts about bringing you as my date to the red carpet." You joked as you opened the door to the bathroom. "Now zip me up so we can leave already"

The red carpet was just as boring as Helena told you they were. Just a lot of standing, pictures and questions.

You and Jamie barely even got a chance to chat. So far you had been dragged away to talk to reporter after reporter.

Later on Helena joined you and she made it seem like you were invisible from all the fuss she got.

After a while you were all called in for the screening of the movie. You, Sam and Tim went up on stage to talk about the film.

After that you planned to go home. Neither you or Jamie had any interest in seeing the film and you had a long drive ahead of you.

"(Y/n)!" Helena called after you. "Aren't you going to stay for the after party?" She asked with puppy dog like eyes.

You wanted to say yes but "we can't... Jamie and I need to get back to Gloucester... it too far from London. Sorry Hel" you said genuinely disappointed you couldn't stay.

"Why don't you too stay at my house tonight, it'll be a lot safer than driving home at this time of night" She said with a smile.

"Really?" Jamie said looking excited. They'd wanted to go to the after party more than you. It wasn't everyday they got to get drunk with celebrities.

"Of course, we've got some spare rooms you can sleep in." Helena said grabbing your hand to lead you two back into the screening.

Looks like you were watching the movie after all.

Since I've been sick I've been watching AHS. I'm half way through the first season and so far I'm loving it. Helena would be a perfect fit for that show, just saying 😂

(Jamie is non-binary btw)

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