Long distance

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Part 3 Of teacher AU will becoming soon don't worry I just wanted to write this.


Your alarm went off telling you it was time to get ready for work. You put on your uniform consisting of a shirt, skirt and blazer.

An office job had never been your dream but it was what you needed to do to pay the bills.

Thankfully that wouldn't be the case for long. You had recently entered a relationship with Helena Bonham Carter.

It sounds crazy saying it but it's true. Acting great Helena Bonham Carter had fallen for a 21 year old intern.

She had been trying to get you to quit your job for some time now. She knew you hated it and you knew she was rich enough for you not to work.

She wanted you to move in with her and her kids. 'Maybe the the media would realise were more than friends' she would often joke.

It made you happy to know someone cared about you that much but also a little sad. She had hardly been home these past few months.

Long press tours and even longer over seas shoots were all part of her job. You'd always remind yourself that but it never made my miss her less.

It had been a fortnight since you'd spoken by any thing other than text. It was a strange feeling, being home sick from a person.

You just wanted to be lead in bed with her for the whole day. You'd find a movie neither her or any of her close friends were in and just be in each other's arms.

You were just about to leave for work when you phone went off.

Hellie 👑: pet, are you about to leave for work?
You: yeah why? What time is it for you? Shouldn't you be asleep?
Hellie 👑: That's not important, what is important is that I need you to stay home today 😉
You: Hellie! What do you have planned? You know I hate surprises.
Hellie 👑: you'll like this one trust me 😇😽
You: okay but if I get caught faking being sick... I'll blame you.
Hellie 👑: I know. I love you 💖
You: I love you too 💙

The phone call was surprisingly easy to make and now you had a day off work. Still with no idea why.

You read over the texts one more time hoping to find a clue as to what it would be but you were stumped. Knowing Helena it could be anything.

There was even the chance it was nothing at all and she was just pulling a prank on you. That however wasn't the case.

An hour after you got back into bed you heard the door buzz for your apartment. Rushing over to the door you looked out the peep hole to see who it was.

There wasn't any one there. Opening the door you spotted a small box with holes in the top. 'What the hell is this?'
You thought to yourself.

Picking up the box for closer inspection you notice what ever was inside seemed to be alive and meowing?

Rushing back inside your apartment to open the box you discovered a small kitten standing on a note.

The kitten wasted no time in jumping out the box, onto the coffee table and then the floor to explore its surroundings.

The note was in Helena hand writing:

A pet for my pet ❤️
I'm sorry I've been away from home for so long I know it's been hard for you.
I miss you so much and I know you feel the same. I want you to move in with me when I get back which I'm happy to say will be soon, in the mean time you'll be kept quite busy with the newest addition to our family.

Ps is your still on the fence about moving out you must remember that your apartment complex doesn't allow pets so if you stay the kitten will have to go.

Love you pet.  - Helena Bonham-Carter

You didn't know weather to be annoyed or impressed. Helena clearly wanted you to live with her and I guess now you had no choice.

Picking up the kitten you walked over to your bed. The little thing has already tired them self out.

"Now are you a boy kitten or a girl kitten?" You asked it in a babyish voice. What was it about cute animals that made you do that?

Just as you were about to get up and find something for the kitten to eat you heard your phone ring. Some one was face timing you.

"Hello pet!" Helena said with a mischievous smile "did you get my surprise?"

"Yes Hellie I did" You said rolling your eyes as the kitten climbed over to see who you were talking to.

"And what are you calling him, well it should be a him." She said smiling.

"Max" You said with out thinking. You'd always loved that name.

"And excellent choice if I do say so my self pet." Helena still hadn't stopped smiling.

Not that you minded, you love her smile. The way her tongue would absentmindedly poke out between her teeth. The way her wrinkles around her eyes would show up clearer. The way her nose scrunched up making it somehow smaller.

"When are you coming home?" You asked hoping you didn't sound too needy.

"3" she said leaving you confused but before you could ask what she meant "2...1"

A familiar buzz of your apartment door sounded through the room. Jumping up you raced over to the door forgetting max on the bed.

Pulling the door open you wasted no time in throwing your arms around Helena.

"Some one might think you missed me pet." She giggled as you peppered her cheek with kisses.

"I did miss you Hellie." You retorted before pulling her inside away from prying eyes.

"I love you"

"I love you too"


If you have any ideas for Helena one shots you'd like to see comment them or message me with them and I'll write them into a story 💖👑🌈

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