Carol AU

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She was beautiful, standing there across the store. I knew I'd seen her before, but maybe a face that pretty always stood out in your mind. She came over to me said something I didn't quite register but understood completely. Who was I? Just a plain shop keeper. Who was she? Movie star Helena Bonham Carter. The it girl of the 1950's. She left in a hurry. She forgot her gloves. Maybe she'd done it on purpose. Either way these gloves are the reason so much of this happened. The first date, if you could call it a date, was amazing. Just her, me and her son Billy, he was only around 4. We sat around the fire and played songs on her piano all night. That was until her husband came home. They argued and I had to leave. Neither of us wanted it but I had to. She phoned me later that night.

The divorce wasn't going well. Helena and I both need to get away. So a road trip it was. London was behind us and we soon entered Oxford and miles and miles later Cheltenham. We spend a night there. It was the best night of my life. Why did it have to end so soon? Helena took me. In Cheltenham of all places. My cherry had been popped by the woman I loved. "You are my angel flung out of space." She whispered in my ear. All I could do was mutter an I love you. She made me feel week at my knees but strong everywhere else. Why did it all have to end so soon? The tape. He'd made a tape. The nice man from the night before had recorded our night. Helena might never see her son again and I may never see her. She was gone in the morning. An old friend there to take me back. We couldn't see each other any more. I tried ringing but the dial sound made me sick.

The press found out, they always did. A morality cause. That's what her husband called it. His son couldn't be raised my a lesbian. I've always hated that word. Straight men saying it with a smirk when it suits them and distain when it doesn't. I lost my job. Kick out my flat. I had no where to go. Then I saw her. It was a good cover but I not quite good enough. Helena saw me too. Our eyes locked.

It's been years since then Helena spotlight naturally faded and we began to love a peaceful life. I was still young as she grow old and grey, but I didn't mind. It may have been her looks that pulled me in but her soul made me come back. A thousand times over I'd come back to her. My first love. My only love.



Hey thank you for reading this is the last chapter I won't be uploading any more to this book.

My new story " reunited at last" is up. If you like these one shots you'll love it as well. I work very hard on it please go and show it some love.

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